Thermopneumatic Processing Plant

Link to thermopneumatic-processing-plant

The Thermopneumatic Processing Plant (TPP) uses pressure and heat to convert one fluid and/or one solid ingredient to another fluid. Temperatures should be specified in Kelvin: 273 K = 0°C (32°F), 373 K = 100°C (212°F).

Technically, 273.16 K = 0°C, but for the purposes of this mod it's simplified to an integer offset.

You can call the TPP package using mods.pneumaticcraft.thermopneumaticprocessingplant.

This function removes the first recipe it finds with the given IIngredient output:

mods.pneumaticcraft.thermopneumaticprocessingplant.removeRecipe(IIngredient output);
// Example

This function removes all TPP recipes:


The following functions can be used to add recipes to the TPP:

// Add a recipe converting an input item into an output fluid
mods.pneumaticcraft.thermopneumaticprocessingplant.addRecipe(IItemStack itemInput, double pressure, double temperature, ILiquidStack output);

// Add a recipe converting an input fluid and item into an output fluid (item may be null)
mods.pneumaticcraft.thermopneumaticprocessingplant.addRecipe(ILiquidStack liquidInput, IItemStack itemInput, double pressure, double temperature, ILiquidStack output);

// Example: convert water and redstone to some redstone fluid at 3.0 bar and 473K (200C)
mods.pneumaticcraft.thermopneumaticprocessingplant.addRecipe(<liquid:water>, <item:redstone>, 3.0, 473, <liquid:redstone> * 250);
// Example: convert 10mB oil into 5mB lava at 3.0 bar and 473K
mods.pneumaticcraft.thermopneumaticprocessingplant.addRecipe(<liquid:oil> * 10, null, 3.0, 473, <liquid:lava> * 5);
// Example: convert 1 netherrack into 50mB lava at 1.5 bar and 573K
mods.pneumaticcraft.thermopneumaticprocessingplant.addRecipe(<minecraft:netherrack>, 1.5, 573, <liquid:lava> * 50);