ZenMembers and ZenProperties

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ZenMembers are a ZenObject's members.
They can be accesses using object.member. Members can be settable, gettable or both.

Getters and Setters

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There are two Types of ZenGetters: ZenGetters and ZenMemberGetters.
So what's the difference?

Normally you use @ZenGetter(value), unless you have something which has either many members that return the same type or if you don't know the exact members yourself.
In that case you can use @ZenMemberGetter.
So what's the difference?

  • A Method annotated with a @ZenGetter(value) does not need any parameters, while a Method annotated with @ZenMemberGetter needs a String argument that is the member's name.
  • MemberGetters are only executed if no other getter is found.
  • If you only need one small Property, you should use @ZenGetter(value)

The same applies for ZenSetters/ZenMemberSetters.

The @ZenProperty combines both, @ZenGetter(value) and @ZenSetter in one annotation.
This annotation can only be applied to public fields (e.g. public String name).

This Annotation can have these arguments:

  • String value: the property name (in ZS you call object.value). If omitted, the field name is used.
  • String getter: the name of the corresponding Getter Method (which may not have a ZenGetter Annotation).
    • If not set or "", it will use use
      • get + value if the annotated field is not a boolean
      • is + value if annotated field is boolean or Boolean
    • if null, it will not register a ZenSetter
  • String setter: the name of the corresponding Setter Method (which may not have a ZenSetter Annotation).
    • If not set or "", it will use set + value
    • If null, it will not register a ZenSetter

You can even omit the getter/setter method alltogether if you use @ZenProperty.
If you do use those methods, however, you will need to add @ZenMethod should you want this functionality, if you omit the methods, they will be generated automatically.

ZenGetters Example

Link to zengetters-example

CraftTweaker's IOreDict

public interface IOreDict extends Iterable<IOreDictEntry> {

    IOreDictEntry get(String name);

    List<IOreDictEntry> getEntries();

    boolean contains(String name);

ZenProperties Example

Link to zenproperties-example

ContentTweaker's MCAxisAlignedBB

public class MCAxisAlignedBB implements ICTObject<AxisAlignedBB> {
    public double minX = 0.0;


    public double getMinX() {
        return minX;

    public void setMinX(double minX) {
        this.minX = minX;

