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This will cancel the Item Binding in Blood Magic for said specific item if the player doesn't meet the requirements.

Blank Example:
mods.compatskills.BindHandler.addBindLock(String failureMessage, IItemStack stack, String... requirements);

Test Example:
mods.compatskills.BindHandler.addBindLock("Untold Dark Energies swirl around you and then subside", <bloodmagic:blood_orb>.withTag({orb: "bloodmagic:weak"}), "reskillable:building|15", "reskillable:magic|7", "stage|test", "adv|minecraft:husbandry/plant_seed");

This will cancel the activation of a ritual if the player doesn't meet the requirements.

Blank Example:
mods.compatskills.RitualHandler.addRitualLock(String failureMessage, String ritual, String... requirements)

Test Example:
mods.compatskills.RitualHandler.addRitualLock("As the ritual activates, you don't achieve the expected result", "ritualCrushing", "reskillable:building|15", "reskillable:magic|7", "stage|test", "adv|minecraft:husbandry/plant_seed")