Creates lava by dropping 4x of any logWood into cryotheum.
mods.inworldcrafting.FluidToFluid.transform(<liquid:lava>, <liquid:cryotheum>, [<ore:logWood> * 4]);

Creates Treated Wood by dropping some Birch Planks in Creosote. mods.inworldcrafting.FluidToItem.transform(<immersiveengineering:treated_wood>, <liquid:creosote>, [<minecraft:planks:2>]);

Creates a Water Bottle by dropping a Glass Bottle in Water, consumes the Water sourceblock.
mods.inworldcrafting.FluidToItem.transform(<minecraft:potion>.withTag({Potion: "minecraft:water"}), <liquid:water>, [<minecraft:glass_bottle>], true);

Create Steel 15% of the time when ingotIron dropped in the world is hit by an Explosion.
mods.inworldcrafting.ExplosionCrafting.explodeItemRecipe(<ore:ingotSteel>.firstItem, <ore:ingotIron>, 15);

Create 8 sticks 75% of the time when Acacia Planks placed in the world is hit by an Explosion. mods.inworldcrafting.ExplosionCrafting.explodeBlockRecipe(<minecraft:stick> * 8, <minecraft:planks:4>, 75);

Create a Block of Charcoal when 4 pieces of logWood has burned for 60 ticks. mods.inworldcrafting.FireCrafting.addRecipe(<thermalfoundation:storage_resource>, <ore:logWood> * 4, 60);

Note on fluidcrafting

Link to note-on-fluidcrafting

Don't add the same ingredient multiple times, use <ingredient> * count. It's there for a reason.
The game merges nearby items into stacks so finding multiple ingredients of the same type in one BlockSpace only happens when the first EntityItem gets a full stack of items, so the craft won't happen like you would expect.

FluidToItem.transform(<minecraft:diamond>, <liquid:blueslime>, [<ore:ingotSteel>, <ore:ingotSteel>, <ore:dustCobalt>, <ore:nuggetEnderpearl>], true);

FluidToItem.transform(<minecraft:diamond>, <liquid:blueslime>, [<ore:ingotSteel> * 2, <ore:dustCobalt>, <ore:nuggetEnderpearl>], true);

Fluid to Item Transformation

Link to fluid-to-item-transformation

import should be mods.inworldcrafting.FluidToItem

FluidToItem.transform(IItemStack output, ILiquidStack inputFluid, IIngredient[] inputItems, @Optional boolean consume);

The default consume value for this method is true, so if you don't want the inputItem to be consumed when transforming the liquid you have to pass false as the 4th paramater to the method.

Fluid to Fluid Transformation

Link to fluid-to-fluid-transformation

import should be mods.inworldcrafting.FluidToFluid

FluidToFluid.transform(ILiquidStack output, ILiquidStack inputFluid, IIngredient[] inputItems, @Optional boolean consume);

The default consume value for this method is true, so if you don't want the inputItem to be consumed when transforming the liquid you have to pass false as the 4th paramater to the method.

import should be mods.inworldcrafting.FireCrafting

FireCrafting.addRecipe(IItemStack output, IIngredient inputItem, @Optional int ticks);

The default number of ticks to create the output is 40 (2 seconds)

Exploding Items/Blocks

Link to exploding-itemsblocks

import should be mods.inworldcrafting.ExplosionCrafting

ExplosionCrafting.explodeItemRecipe(IItemStack output, IIngredient inputItem, @Optional int survicechance);

Survivechance sets the chance for how likely the recipe is to be successful. Default value is 100%

Exploding Blocks

Link to exploding-blocks

ExplosionCrafting.explodeBlockRecipe(IItemStack output, IItemStack blockStack, @Optional int itemSpawnChance);

blockStack should be a Block in its stackform. It will compare against metadata. itemSpawnChance sets the chance for how likely the block is to spawn the output when the block is destroyed by an explosion. Default value is 100%