
Link to 基本的な変数の関数



Link to ほとんどの単一の型

true == true You can check if two values are the same.
"Hello" != "World" You can also check if two values are unequal.


"Hello".length Returns the string's length as int.
"Hello"[1] Returns the character at the string's given index as another string.
"Hello" in "Hell" checks if the string before in contains the string after it as boolean. You can replace the in with has if you like that better.
"Hel" ~ "lo " + "World" You also can add/concatenate strings. string += "assignAdd" 追加・連結代入演算子をを用いることもできます。

Aside from these, all methods that are available to Java Strings and do not use the char type are also available to ZenScript strings!
This includes:

  • toLowerCase
  • toUpperCase
  • getBytes
  • hashCode
  • intern
  • isEmpty
  • toCharArray
  • trim
  • split


+-*/% Basic mathematic operators (check the variable Types page). You can also use the operatorAssign tokens
0 to 10 Returns an Integer Range ranging from 0 to 10. 1~10 Concatenates the Integers (returns "110").


true ~ false Concatenates the booleans (returns "truefalse").
& | ^ Boolean operators (and/or/xor).


Link to 配列配列リスト


array[1] returns the item at the given index.
array[1] = "Hello" Sets the item at the given index.
array.length returns the arrays length