Глобальные и статические переменные

Link to глобальные-и-статические-переменные

Sure you have been in the situation where you declared the same variable in each and every script over and over again.
"Why is there no way to make them available in every script?" Is what went through your head at such times.

Be relieved now for there has been added a means of declaring and accessing global and scriptbound (static) values!
They cannot be changed, though.

Разница между статическими и глобальными

Link to разница-между-статическими-и-глобальными

Both, statics and globals are scriptbound and instantiated before the script is executed.
Both cannot be changed.
The difference is how they are called:
Globals can be called from everywhere simply by their name unless you already have a local variable that has the same name.
Statics on the other hand, need to use the cross-script reference to be accessed.

Globals are created using the global keyword.
Statics are created using the static keyword.

Aside from that, they are identical!

Объявление глобального значения

Link to объявление-глобального-значения

Объявление глобального значения так же просто, как объявление локального:

import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;

global myGlobalValue as IItemStack = <minecraft:dirt>;
static myStaticValue as IItemStack = <minecraft:sand>;

Окей, давайте разберем этот пример:

  1. global — ключевое слово, которое обозначает объявление глобального значения.
  2. myGlobalValue — название этого значения.
  3. as IItemStack the type of the value (It is recommended to import the types before casting the variable)
  4. = <minecraft:dirt>; — инициализация значения. Так как глобальные значения неизменяемые, вы должны инициализировать их во время объявления!
  • You can only access globals that have already been declared. Use the Priority Preprocessor to make sure the scripts in which global are declared are executed first.
  • Globals cannot be declared in scripts that are inside subfolders! It will compile but you will be left with a huge FieldNotFound Exception.
  • While it is technically possible to omit the as part, it is recommended leaving it in, as the IAny interface is not fully functional yet. Also, it makes your declaration more clear for people reading/debugging your script!
  • Local variables/values CAN overshadow global variables. The script will always search the innermost scope for variables and go outwards until it hits global when searching for keywords!