Note:The double set of brackets in functions, ([...]) is necessary. This is basically because all NuclearCraft CraftTweaker methods require an array of objects, be they ingredients, strings, integers or doubles.

All recipes involve five sets of information - item inputs, fluid inputs, item outputs, fluid outputs and extra info. The first four are clearly the ingredients and products involved in the recipe, and the extra info contains data such as processing time and power for machines, the base lifetime, power and heat variable of fusion combos, etc.

All parts of the recipe are simply listed in the method - the internal NuclearCraft code will deal with splitting it up into those five categories and packaging the information up into a recipe.

Recipe Additions

Link to recipe-additions

Recipe Methods will specify itemInput for Item Inputs.
Recipe Methods will specify itemOutput for Item Outputs.
Recipe Methods will specify fluidInput for Fluid Inputs.
Recipe Methods will specify fluidOutput for Fluid Outputs.
Recipe Methods will specify blockInput for Block Inputs.
Recipe Methods will specify blockOutput for Block Outputs.
Note: blockInput and blockOutput must be the IItemStack/IIngredient versions of blocks

IItemStack: <minecraft:gunpowder> * 4
IOreDictEntry: <ore:ingotIron> * 2
null: null

IItemStack: <minecraft:gunpowder> * 4
ChanceItemStack: <minecraft:diamond> * 3, 50, 1
IOreDictEntry: <ore:ingotIron> * 2
ChanceIOreDictEntry: <ore:gemDiamond> * 5, 75
null: null

ILiquidStack: <liquid:lava> * 1500
null: null

ILiquidStack: <liquid:lava> * 1500
ChanceLiquidStack : <liquid:water> * 2000, 40, 250, 500
null: null

IItemStack: <minecraft:dirt> * 4
IOreDictEntry: <ore:blockIron> * 2
null: null

IItemStack: <minecraft:dirt> * 4
IOreDictEntry: <ore:blockIron> * 2
null: null

When specifying a recipe to remove, all that is required is for either all input or output ingredients to be specified. Ingredient chance data is not required. Again, the items must come first, followed by the fluids.

You may also want to remove all of a certain type of recipe - to do this, simply use the removeAllRecipes() method.

Chance Ingredients

Link to chance-ingredients

Item and fluid outputs can have additional info attached to them - specifically, info that can randomise the output stack size somewhat. This additional info is simply tagged onto the end of the specified ingredient.

The size of the stack produced on each process is randomly assigned from a binomial distribution specified by the chance info. The percentage and ingredient stack size play the roles of the probability and number of trials, respectively.

For ChanceFluidStacks, a 'stack difference' must also be specified, which determines the difference in size between the possible stacks (for ChanceItemStacks and ChanceOreStacks, this is effectively 1). For example, a ChanceFluidStack for an ingredient of size 500, with a stack difference of 150 and minimum stack size of 50, will produce 50, 200, 350 or 500 millibuckets of the fluid.

The form of a ChanceItemStack is IItemStack output, int percentage, @Optional int minimumStackSize.
The chance for the output to be produced is percentage.
If not specified, minimumStackSize is 0.


Link to chanceoredictentry

The form of a ChanceOreDictEntry is IOreDictEntry output, int percentage, @Optional int minimumStackSize.
The chance for the output to be produced is percentage.
The minimum stack size for the output is minimumStackSize. If not specified, it defaults to 0.


Link to chanceliquidstack

The form of a ChanceLiquidStack is ILiquidStack, int percentage, int stackDifference, @Optional int minimumStackSize.
The chance for the output to be produced is percentage.
The difference between possible stack sizes is stackDifference. The minimum stack size for the output is minimumStackSize. If not specified, it defaults to 0.

  • Example: ``liquid:ethanol` * 500, 100, 150, 50
    • The Machine will produce 50, 200, 350 or 500 millibuckets of ethanol