Link to ctaspectstack
A CTAspectStack is a CTAspect combined with an amount that shows how many aspect points the stack will be made of.
Link to 导入相关包
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import thaumcraft.aspect.CTAspectStack;
Retrieving such an object
Link to retrieving-such-an-object
You can retrieve a CTAspectStack object from the CTAspectStack Bracket Handler object:
ZenScript Copyval aspect = <aspect:ignis>;
Link to zengetters
名称 | 类型 |
名称 amount | 类型 int |
名称 internal | 类型 CTAspect |
Setting the amount
Link to setting-the-amount
ZenScript Copy//They do the same, both return a new CTAspectStack
val aspect = <aspect:ignis> * 10;
val aspect1 = <aspect:ignis>.setAmount(10);