ZenScript Copyimport mods.roots.Fey;
Link to 使用方式
ZenScript Copyvoid addRecipe(
string name, // the name of the recipe; if replacing an existing recipe, be sure to use the same name to ensure Patchouli continuity
IItemStack output, // the itemstack produced by this recipe
IIngredient[] inputs // an array of IIngredients that make up the recipe; must contain 5 items
Creates a recipe producing output from an array of ingredients (transforms are supported), requires a name.
ZenScript Copyvoid addRecipe(
string name, // the name of the recipe; if replacing an existing recipe, be sure to use the same name to ensure Patchouli continuity
IItemStack output, // the itemstack produced by this recipe
IIngredient[] inputs, // an array of IIngredients that make up the recipe; must contain 5 items
int xp // the amount of xp (in levels) to reward the player for crafting this recipe
Creates a recipe producing output from an array of ingredients (transforms are supported), requires a name. Additional drops the specified amount of experience whenever the recipe is crafted.
ZenScript Copyvoid removeRecipe(
IItemStack output // the item produced by the recipe you wish to remove
Removes a Fey Crafting recipe via the output produced by the recipe.
ZenScript Copyimport mods.roots.Fey;
// 添加用四个火药和一个红色羊毛合成一个TNT的配方
Fey.addRecipe("tnt", <minecraft:tnt>, [<minecraft:gunpowder>, <minecraft:gunpowder>, <minecraft:gunpowder>, <minecraft:gunpowder>, <minecraft:wool:14>]);
// 添加与上文提到的那个配方,并且每次合成时给予玩家6级经验 (从0级-6级的所需的经验值)
Fey.addRecipe("tnt", <minecraft:tnt>, [<minecraft:gunpowder>, <minecraft:gunpowder>, <minecraft:gunpowder>, <minecraft:gunpowder>, <minecraft:wool:14>], 6);
// 移除活镐的合成配方
// 添加新的合成配方,务必保持与原配方同名,以确保它能被Patchouli手册展示出来。 默认情况下,所有精灵工匠台的名称与物品的名称相同。
Fey.addRecipe("living_axe", <roots:living_axe>, [<minecraft:sand>, <minecraft:dirt>, <minecraft:stone>, <minecraft:glass>, <minecraft:stone_axe>]);
Fey.addRecipe("nether_stone", <minecraft:netherrack>, [<minecraft:flint_and_steel>.anyDamage().transformDamage(1), <minecraft:cobblestone>, <minecraft:cobblestone>, <minecraft:cobblestone>, <minecraft:cobblestone>]);
It is important for Patchouli continuity that, if you remove a default recipe (say living_axe
), that you replace it with another recipe and give that recipe the name "living_axe"
if you wish Patchouli to properly display the new recipe.