import mods.roots.Ritual;
Ritual setDouble(
  string propertyName, // sets propertyName to the specified double value
  double value         // the value to set propertyName to; if this property is *not* a double, an error will be raised

Sets a propertyName to a specified value (throwing an exception if this is an invalid type for that property), then returns the ritual, allowing for chained functions.

Ritual setFloat(
  string propertyName, // sets propertyName to the specified float value
  float value          // the value to set propertyName to; if this property is *not* a float, an error will be raised

Sets a propertyName to a specified value (throwing an exception if this is an invalid type for that property), then returns the ritual, allowing for chained functions.

Ritual setInteger(
  string propertyName, // sets propertyName to the specified integer value
  int value            // the value to set propertyName to; if this property is *not* a integer, an error will be raised

Sets a propertyName to a specified value (throwing an exception if this is an invalid type for that property), then returns the ritual, allowing for chained functions.

Ritual setDuration(
  int value // the new duration for the ritual

Changes the duration of the ritual and returns the Ritual object for further modification. Is shorthand for setInteger("duration", value).

Ritual setString(
  string propertyName, // sets propertyName to the specified string value
  string value         // the value to set propertyName to; if this property is *not* a string, an error will be raised

Sets a propertyName to a specified value (throwing an exception if this is an invalid type for that property), then returns the ritual, allowing for chained functions.

import mods.roots.Rituals;
import mods.roots.Ritual;

var animal_harvest = Rituals.getRitual("animal_harvest") as Ritual; // If not placed at the beginning, "ritual_" will be automatically added.
animal_harvest.setInteger("count", 10); // Sets the "count" property to 10 from the default of 5, meaning that 10 harvesting operations will be completed every interval
animal_harvest.setInteger("interval", 220); // Sets the "interval" in ticks to double the default of 110, meaning the ritual now fires less often but does double the number of harvests
animal_harvest.setFloat("looting_chance", 1); // Sets the chance of looting being applied to 100% from the default of 0.16 (16%)
animal_harvest.setInteger("radius_x", 30);
animal_harvest.setInteger("radius_z", 30);
animal_harvest.setInteger("radius_y", 30); // Set each radius to 30, doubling the default horizontal radius of 15, and increasing the y radius to 30 from 10.

You will want to use the /roots rituals command in order to get a list of the relevant properties and their default values output to roots.log in order to determine which property names you wish to adjust.