Link to livingentityuseitem
The LivingEntityUseItem event is fired whenever an entity starts using an item, stops doing so, after the player finishes using an item and each tick they use the item.
Since that would be called far too often, there are 4 subEvents that are only called in their specific case.
Link to 导入类
It might be required to import the class to avoid errors.
ZenScript Copy//Base Event
import crafttweaker.event.EntityLivingUseItemEvent.All;
//Specific Events
import crafttweaker.event.EntityLivingUseItemEvent.Start;
import crafttweaker.event.EntityLivingUseItemEvent.Tick;
import crafttweaker.event.EntityLivingUseItemEvent.Stop;
import crafttweaker.event.EntityLivingUseItemEvent.Finish;
Event interface extensions
Link to event-interface-extensions
LivingEntityUseItem Events implement the following interfaces and are able to call all of their methods/getters/setters as well:
Link to zengetterszensetters
The following information can be retrieved/set during the event:
ZenGetter | 返回值类型 |
ZenGetter player | 返回值类型 IPlayer |
ZenGetter isPlayer | 返回值类型 bool |
ZenGetter item | 返回值类型 IItemstack |
ZenGetter duration | 返回值类型 int |
ZenSetter | 参数类型 |
ZenSetter duration | 参数类型 int |