Link to iitemdefinition
An IItemDefinition object is the direct reference to an item.
It is different from an IItemStack as this only refers to the item, it does not include any meta-information or NBT-values!
Link to 导入相关包
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.item.IItemDefinition;
How to get one
Link to how-to-get-one
The easiest way is from an IItemStack, but you can also get a list of all registered IItemDefinitions in the game and do something with that.
ZenScript Copy//IItemStack Zengetter "definition" -> single IItemDefinition
val itemDefinition = <minecraft:stone>.definition;
//IGame zengetter "items" -> LIST!
val itemDefinitionList = game.items;
What to do with it
Link to what-to-do-with-it
ZenGetters and parameterless ZenMethods
Link to zengetters-and-parameterless-zenmethods
ZenGetter | 功能 | 返回值类型 |
ZenGetter id | 功能 Returns the item ID | 返回值类型 string |
ZenGetter name(名称) | 功能 Returns the unlocalized item Name | 返回值类型 string |
ZenGetter ores | 功能 Returns all ore entries containing this item. Can also contain ore entries that refer to a sub-item. | 返回值类型 List<IOreDictEntry> |
ZenGetter owner | 功能 Returns the mod name that this item belongs to. | 返回值类型 string |
ZenGetter defaultInstance | 功能 | 返回值类型 IItemstack |
ZenGetter creativeTab | 功能 | 返回值类型 ICreativeTab |
ZenGetter creativeTabs | 功能 | 返回值类型 ICreativeTab[] |
ZenGetter canItemEditBlocks | 功能 | 返回值类型 bool |
ZenGetter itemEnchantability | 功能 | 返回值类型 int |
ZenGetter subItems | 功能 Returns a list of all subitems that are registered to this item. (like how potions have other items). This is not guaranteed to return the correct list for mods on a server. | 返回值类型 List<IItemStack> |
ZenSetters and other void-Methods
Link to zensetters-and-other-void-methods
ZenSetter/ZenMethod | 参数类型 |
ZenSetter/ZenMethod creativeTab | 参数类型 ICreativeTab |
ZenSetter/ZenMethod setNoRepair() | 参数类型 none |
ZenSetter/ZenMethod setContainerItem(IItemDefinition item) | 参数类型 IItemDefinition |
Link to zenmethods
Creates an IItemStack with the given metadata. Metadata is an int and OPTIONAL.def.setHarvestLevel(String type, int level);
Changes the item's harvest level to the corresponding type and leveldef.getSubItems(creativeTab);
Returns a List<IItemStack> with all subitems for the given ICreativeTab. This is not guaranteed to return the correct list for mods on a server.def.getItemBurntime(item);
Returns an int representing either -1 (Vanilla logic will apply), 0 (Not smeltable) or the items burntime