Link to mcanvilrepairevent
Questa classe è stata aggiunta da una mod con ID crafttweaker
. Perciò, è necessario avere questa mod installata per poter utilizzare questa funzione.
Importare la Classe
Link to importare-la-classe
Potrebbe essere necessario importare il pacchetto, se si incontrano dei problemi (come castare un vettore), quindi meglio essere sicuri e aggiungere la direttiva di importazione.
ZenScript Copycrafttweaker.api.event.entity.player.MCAnvilRepairEvent
Link to constructors
ZenScript Copynew crafttweaker.api.event.entity.player.MCAnvilRepairEvent(handler as function.Consumer<crafttweaker.api.event.entity.player.MCAnvilRepairEvent>);
Parametro | Tipo | Descrizione |
Parametro handler | Tipo function.Consumer<crafttweaker.api.event.entity.player.MCAnvilRepairEvent> | Descrizione Nessuna descrizione fornita |
Link to metodi
Link to getbreakchance
Returns float
ZenScript CopymyMCAnvilRepairEvent.getBreakChance();
Link to getentityplayer
Returns crafttweaker.api.entity.player.MCPlayerEntity
ZenScript CopymyMCAnvilRepairEvent.getEntityPlayer();
Link to getingredientinput
Get the second item input into the anvil Returns: the second input slot
Returns crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack
ZenScript CopymyMCAnvilRepairEvent.getIngredientInput();
Link to getiteminput
Get the first item input into the anvil Returns: the first input slot
Returns crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack
ZenScript CopymyMCAnvilRepairEvent.getItemInput();
Link to getitemresult
Get the output result from the anvil Returns: the output
Returns crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack
ZenScript CopymyMCAnvilRepairEvent.getItemResult();
Link to getplayer
Returns: Player
Returns crafttweaker.api.entity.player.MCPlayerEntity
ZenScript CopymyMCAnvilRepairEvent.getPlayer();
Link to hasresult
Determines if this event expects a significant result value. Note: Events with the HasResult annotation will have this method automatically added to return true.
Restituisce un booleano
ZenScript CopymyMCAnvilRepairEvent.hasResult();
Link to iscancelable
Determine if this function is cancelable at all. Returns: If access to setCanceled should be allowed Note: Events with the Cancelable annotation will have this method automatically added to return true.
Restituisce un booleano
ZenScript CopymyMCAnvilRepairEvent.isCancelable();
Link to iscanceled
Determine if this event is canceled and should stop executing. Returns: The current canceled state
Restituisce un booleano
ZenScript CopymyMCAnvilRepairEvent.isCanceled();
Link to setbreakchance
ZenScript CopymyMCAnvilRepairEvent.setBreakChance(breakChance as float);
Parametro | Tipo | Descrizione |
Parametro breakChance | Tipo float | Descrizione Nessuna descrizione fornita |
Link to setcanceled
ZenScript CopymyMCAnvilRepairEvent.setCanceled(cancel as boolean);
Parametro | Tipo | Descrizione |
Parametro cancel | Tipo boolean | Descrizione Nessuna descrizione fornita |