Link to craftingtablemanager
Этот класс был добавлен модом с mod-id crafttweaker
. Так что если вы хотите использовать эту функцию, вам нужно установить этот мод.
Импорт класса
Link to импорт-класса
Вам может потребоваться импортировать пакет, если вы столкнетесь с какими-либо проблемами (например, с заливкой массива), так что лучше быть в безопасности, чем извиняться и добавлять импорт.
ZenScript Copycrafttweaker.api.CraftingTableManager
Implemented Interfaces
Link to implemented-interfaces
CraftingTableManager implements the following interfaces. That means any method available to them can also be used on this class.
Link to методы
Link to addjsonrecipe
Adds a recipe based on a provided IData. The provided IData should represent a DataPack JSON, this effectively allows you to register recipes for any DataPack supporting IRecipeType systems.
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.addJSONRecipe(name as String, data as;
craftingTable.addJSONRecipe("recipe_name", {ingredient:{item:<item:minecraft:gold_ore>.registryName},result:<item:minecraft:cooked_porkchop>.registryName,experience:0.35 as float, cookingtime:100});
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр name | Тип String | Описание name of the recipe |
Параметр data | Тип | Описание data representing the json file |
Link to addshaped
Adds a shaped recipe to the crafting table
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.addShaped(recipeName as String, output as crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack, ingredients as crafttweaker.api.item.IIngredient[][], recipeFunction as com.blamejared.crafttweaker.api.managers.IRecipeManager.RecipeFunctionMatrix);
craftingTable.addShaped("recipe_name", <item:minecraft:dirt>, [[<item:minecraft:diamond>], [<tag:minecraft:wool>]]);
craftingTable.addShaped("recipe_name", <item:minecraft:dirt>, [[<item:minecraft:diamond>], [<tag:minecraft:wool>]], (usualOut as IItemStack, inputs as IItemStack[][]) => {if(inputs[0][0].displayName == "totally real diamond block" ){return usualOut;}return <item:minecraft:clay>.setDisplayName("Diamond");});
Параметр | Тип | Описание | IsOptional | Default Value |
Параметр recipeName | Тип String | Описание name of the recipe to add. | IsOptional false | Default Value null |
Параметр output | Тип crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack | Описание output IItemStack | IsOptional false | Default Value null |
Параметр ingredients | Тип crafttweaker.api.item.IIngredient[][] | Описание array of an array of IIngredient for inputs | IsOptional false | Default Value null |
Параметр recipeFunction | Тип com.blamejared.crafttweaker.api.managers.IRecipeManager.RecipeFunctionMatrix | Описание optional com.blamejared.crafttweaker.api.managers.IRecipeManager.RecipeFunctionMatrix for more advanced conditions | IsOptional true | Default Value null |
Link to addshapedmirrored
Adds a mirrored shaped recipe to the crafting table
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.addShapedMirrored(recipeName as String, output as crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack, ingredients as crafttweaker.api.item.IIngredient[][], recipeFunction as com.blamejared.crafttweaker.api.managers.IRecipeManager.RecipeFunctionMatrix);
craftingTable.addShapedMirrored("recipe_name", <item:minecraft:dirt>, [[<item:minecraft:diamond>], [<tag:minecraft:wool>]]);
craftingTable.addShapedMirrored("recipe_name", <item:minecraft:dirt>, [[<item:minecraft:diamond>], [<tag:minecraft:wool>]], (usualOut as IItemStack, inputs as IItemStack[][]) => {if(inputs[0][0].displayName == "totally real diamond block" ){return usualOut;}return <item:minecraft:clay>.setDisplayName("Diamond");});
Параметр | Тип | Описание | IsOptional | Default Value |
Параметр recipeName | Тип String | Описание name of the recipe to add. | IsOptional false | Default Value null |
Параметр output | Тип crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack | Описание output IItemStack | IsOptional false | Default Value null |
Параметр ingredients | Тип crafttweaker.api.item.IIngredient[][] | Описание array of an array of IIngredient for inputs | IsOptional false | Default Value null |
Параметр recipeFunction | Тип com.blamejared.crafttweaker.api.managers.IRecipeManager.RecipeFunctionMatrix | Описание optional com.blamejared.crafttweaker.api.managers.IRecipeManager.RecipeFunctionMatrix for more advanced conditions | IsOptional true | Default Value null |
Link to addshapeless
Adds a shapeless recipe to the crafting table
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.addShapeless(recipeName as String, output as crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack, ingredients as crafttweaker.api.item.IIngredient[], recipeFunction as com.blamejared.crafttweaker.api.managers.IRecipeManager.RecipeFunctionArray);
craftingTable.addShapeless("recipe_name", <item:minecraft:dirt>, [<item:minecraft:diamond>, <tag:minecraft:wool>]);
craftingTable.addShapeless("recipe_name", <item:minecraft:dirt>, [<item:minecraft:diamond>, <tag:minecraft:wool>], (usualOut as IItemStack, inputs as IItemStack[]) => {if(inputs[0].displayName == "totally real diamond block" ){return usualOut;}return <item:minecraft:clay>.setDisplayName("Diamond");});
Параметр | Тип | Описание | IsOptional | Default Value |
Параметр recipeName | Тип String | Описание name of the recipe to add. | IsOptional false | Default Value null |
Параметр output | Тип crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack | Описание output IItemStack | IsOptional false | Default Value null |
Параметр ingredients | Тип crafttweaker.api.item.IIngredient[] | Описание array of IIngredient for inputs | IsOptional false | Default Value null |
Параметр recipeFunction | Тип com.blamejared.crafttweaker.api.managers.IRecipeManager.RecipeFunctionArray | Описание optional com.blamejared.crafttweaker.api.managers.IRecipeManager.RecipeFunctionArray for more advanced conditions | IsOptional true | Default Value null |
Link to removeall
Remove all recipes in this registry
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.removeAll();
Link to removebymodid
Remove recipe based on Registry name modid
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.removeByModid(modid as String);
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр modid | Тип String | Описание modid of the recipes to remove |
Link to removebyname
Remove recipe based on Registry name
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.removeByName(name as String);
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр name | Тип String | Описание registry name of recipe to remove |
Link to removebyregex
Remove recipe based on regex
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.removeByRegex(regex as String);
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр regex | Тип String | Описание regex to match against |
Link to removerecipe
Remove a recipe based on it's output.
ZenScript CopycraftingTable.removeRecipe(output as crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack);
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр output | Тип crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack | Описание output of the recipe |