Class path: mods.botanypots.Soil

To use, import the class with import mods.botanypots.Soil; at the beginning of your script.

Creating New Soils

Link to creating-new-soils

Soil.create(id, ingredient, displayState, tickRate, categories);

  • id <string> The id of the new soil. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • ingredient <IIngredient> The ingredient used to determine which items/blocks are used to put the soil in a pot.
  • displayState <MCBlockState> The block state to display for the soil in the pot.
  • growthModifier <float> Modifies the time a crop takes to grow. 1f = instant growth. 0 = normal growth. -1f = never grows. 0.15 = 15% faster, -0.15 = 15% slower.
  • categories <string[]> An array of categories associated with the new soil.

Creates a new soil entry that players can use in the botany pot.

Soil.create("examplepack:rock", <item:minecraft:stone>, <blockstate:minecraft:stone>, 0, ["rocky"]);


  • id <string> The id of the soil to remove. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.

Removes a soil from the game's data.


Changing Soil Growth Modifier

Link to changing-soil-growth-modifier

Soil.setGrowthModifier(id, tickRate);

  • id <string> The id of the soil. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • growthModifier <float> Modifies the time a crop takes to grow. 1f = instant growth. 0 = normal growth. -1f = never grows. 0.15 = 15% faster, -0.15 = 15% slower.

Changes the growth modifier of a given soil.

Soil.setGrowthModifier("botanypots:soil/grass", 0.15);

Changing Soil Ingredient

Link to changing-soil-ingredient

Soil.setIngredient(id, ingredient);

  • id <string> The id of the soil. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • ingredient <IIngredient> The ingredient used to determine which items/blocks are used to put the soil in a pot.

Changes the items used to put the soil into the botany pot.

Soil.setIngredient("botanypots:soil/soul_sand", <item:minecraft:sand>);

Changing Soil Display

Link to changing-soil-display

Soil.setDisplayState(id, displayState);

  • id <string> The id of the soil. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • displayState <MCBlockState> The block state to display for the soil in the pot.

Changes the block displayed for the soil.

Soil.setDisplayState("botanypots:soil/dirt", <blockstate:minecraft:snow>);

Changing Soil Categories

Link to changing-soil-categories

Changes the categories associated with the soil. These are used to match crops to valid soils.

Add a Category to a Soil

Link to add-a-category-to-a-soil

Soil.addCategory(id, categoriesToAdd);

  • id <string> The id of the soil. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • categoriesToAdd <string[]> An array of categories to associate with the soil.
Soil.addCategory("botanypots:soil/soul_sand", ["nether"]);

Remove a Category From a Soil

Link to remove-a-category-from-a-soil

Soil.removeCategory(id, categoriesToRemove);

  • id <string> The id of the soil. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • categoriesToRemove <string[]> An array of categories to dissociate with the soil.
Soil.removeCategory("botanypots:soil/soul_sand", ["soul_sand"]);

Clear All Categories From a Soil

Link to clear-all-categories-from-a-soil


  • id <string> The id of the soil. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.


  • Returns: <string[]> An array of all known soil ids at the time this is ran.

This will give you an array of all the known soil ids at the time.

// Log all ids to the crafttweaker.log file
for soilId in Soil.getAllIds() {

Removing All Soil

Link to removing-all-soil

This will completely remove all the soils currently registered. This is useful for if you want to recreate all the data from scratch through scripts.
