Link to mcitementity
Diese Klasse importieren
Link to diese-klasse-importieren
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.entity.MCItemEntity;
Extending MCEntity
Link to extending-mcentity
MCItemEntity extends MCEntity. That means all methods available in MCEntity are also available in MCItemEntity
Link to constructors
ZenScript Copynew MCItemEntity(world as MCWorld, x as double, y as double, z as double, stack as ItemStack) as MCItemEntity
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter world | Type MCWorld | Beschreibung No description provided |
Parameter x | Type double | Beschreibung No description provided |
Parameter y | Type double | Beschreibung No description provided |
Parameter z | Type double | Beschreibung No description provided |
Parameter stack | Type Artikel-Stack | Beschreibung No description provided |
Link to methoden
Name: getItem
Gets the IItemStack inside this ItemEntity.
Returns: The IItemStack inside this ItemEntity.
Return Type: IItemStack
ZenScript Copy// MCItemEntity.getItem() as IItemStack
Name: setItem
Sets the IItemStack inside this ItemEntity.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// MCItemEntity.setItem(stack as IItemStack) as void
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter stack | Type IItemStack | Beschreibung The new IItemStack. |
Link to properties
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Beschreibung |
Name item | Type IItemStack | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Beschreibung Gets the IItemStack inside this ItemEntity. |