Expansion for IIngredient
Link to expansion-for-iingredient
Link to casters
Result type | Is Implicit |
Result type IIngredientWithAmount | Is Implicit true |
Link to methoden
Name: asIIngredientWithAmount
Used implicitly when a machine can accept more than one item but you only provide one.
Return Type: IIngredientWithAmount
ZenScript Copy// IIngredient.asIIngredientWithAmount() as IIngredientWithAmount
Name: mul
Use this in contexts where machines accept more than one item to state that fact.
Return Type: IIngredientWithAmount
ZenScript CopyIIngredient.mul(amount as int) as IIngredientWithAmount
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter amount | Type int | Beschreibung No Description Provided |
Name: reuse
Return Type: MCIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
ZenScript Copy// IIngredient.reuse() as MCIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
Name: transform
Use this if you already have the transformer from another ingredient
Return Type: MCIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
ZenScript CopyIIngredient.transform(transformer as IIngredientTransformer<IIngredient>) as MCIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter transformator | Type IIngredientTransformer<IIngredient> | Beschreibung No Description Provided |
Name: transformCustom
Return Type: MCIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
ZenScript CopyIIngredient.transformCustom(uid as string, function as Function<IItemStack,IItemStack>) as MCIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter uid | Type string | Beschreibung No Description Provided | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter function | Type Function<IItemStack,IItemStack> | Beschreibung No Description Provided | Optional true | DefaultValue |
Name: transformDamage
Return Type: MCIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
ZenScript CopyIIngredient.transformDamage(amount as int) as MCIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter amount | Type int | Beschreibung No Description Provided | Optional true | DefaultValue 1 |
Name: transformReplace
Return Type: MCIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
ZenScript CopyIIngredient.transformReplace(replaceWith as IItemStack) as MCIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type | Beschreibung |
Parameter replaceWith | Type IItemStack | Beschreibung No Description Provided |