Fired when a physics update occurs on a block. This event acts as a way for mods to detect physics updates, in the same way a BUD switch does. This event is only called on the server.
The event is cancelable.
If the event is canceled, vanilla logic won’t be executed
The event does not have a result.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import crafttweaker.api.event.block.MCBlockNeighborNotifyEvent;
Extending MCBlockEvent
MCBlockNeighborNotifyEvent extends MCBlockEvent. That means all methods available in MCBlockEvent are also available in MCBlockNeighborNotifyEvent
Gets if a redstone update was forced during setBlock call
Return Type: boolean
// MCBlockNeighborNotifyEvent.getForceRedstoneUpdate() as boolean
Gets a list of directions from the base block that updates will occur upon.
Return Type: stdlib.List<Direction>
// MCBlockNeighborNotifyEvent.getNotifiedSides() as stdlib.List<Direction>
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
Name forceRedstoneUpdate | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets if a redstone update was forced during setBlock call |
Name notifiedSides | Type stdlib.List<Direction> | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets a list of directions from the base block that updates will occur upon. |