Link to itemattributemodifierevent
This event is fired when the attributes for an ItemStack are being calculated. Attributes are calculated on the server when equipping and un-equipping an item to add and remove attributes respectively, both must be consistent. Attributes are calculated on the client when rendering an item's tooltip to show relevant attributes.
The event is not cancelable.
The event does not have a result.
Importing the class
Link to importing-the-class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.event.ItemAttributeModifierEvent;
Extending MCEvent
Link to extending-mcevent
ItemAttributeModifierEvent extends MCEvent. That means all methods available in MCEvent are also available in ItemAttributeModifierEvent
Link to methods
Name: addModifier
Adds a new AttributeModifier to the ItemStack.
Returns: True if the modifier was added. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// ItemAttributeModifierEvent.addModifier(attribute as Attribute, name as string, value as double, operation as AttributeOperation) as boolean
myItemAttributeModifierEvent.addModifier(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, "Extra Power", 10, AttributeOperation.ADDITION);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute to add. |
Parameter name | Type string | Description The name of the modifier to add |
Parameter value | Type double | Description The value of the modifier. |
Parameter operation | Type AttributeOperation | Description The operation of the modifier. |
Name: addModifier
Adds a new AttributeModifier to the ItemStack.
Returns: True if the modifier was added. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// ItemAttributeModifierEvent.addModifier(attribute as Attribute, uuid as string, name as string, value as double, operation as AttributeOperation) as boolean
myItemAttributeModifierEvent.addModifier(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, "8c1b5535-9f79-448b-87ae-52d81480aaa3", "Extra Power", 10, AttributeOperation.ADDITION);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute to add. |
Parameter uuid | Type string | Description The UUID of the modifier. |
Parameter name | Type string | Description The name of the modifier. |
Parameter value | Type double | Description The value of the modifier. |
Parameter operation | Type AttributeOperation | Description The operation of the modifier. |
Name: clearModifiers
Clears all AttributeModifiers from the ItemStack.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// ItemAttributeModifierEvent.clearModifiers() as void
Name: getItemStack
Gets the ItemStack that this event is being ran for.
Returns: The ItemStack this event is being ran for.
Return Type: IItemStack
ZenScript Copy// ItemAttributeModifierEvent.getItemStack() as IItemStack
Name: getModifiers
Gets the modifiers on the ItemStack
Returns: A Map of Attribute to a List of AttributeModifier.
Return Type: stdlib.List<AttributeModifier>[Attribute]
ZenScript Copy// ItemAttributeModifierEvent.getModifiers() as stdlib.List<AttributeModifier>[Attribute]
Name: getOriginalModifiers
Gets the original modifiers on the ItemStack before being changed by any other event listener.
Returns: A Map of Attribute to a List of AttributeModifier.
Return Type: stdlib.List<AttributeModifier>[Attribute]
ZenScript Copy// ItemAttributeModifierEvent.getOriginalModifiers() as stdlib.List<AttributeModifier>[Attribute]
Name: getSlotType
Gets the EquipmentSlotType that this event is being ran for.
If you only want to add / remove a modifier from a specific slot, you can use this to filter based on the slot.
Returns: The EquipmentSlotType of this event.
Return Type: MCEquipmentSlotType
ZenScript Copy// ItemAttributeModifierEvent.getSlotType() as MCEquipmentSlotType
Name: removeAttribute
Removes an Attribute from the ItemStack.
Returns: A List of the AttributeModifiers for the removed Attribute.
Return Type: stdlib.List<AttributeModifier>
ZenScript Copy// ItemAttributeModifierEvent.removeAttribute(attribute as Attribute) as stdlib.List<AttributeModifier>
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute to remove. |
Name: removeModifier
Removes an AttributeModifier from the ItemStack.
Returns: True if the modifier was remove. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// ItemAttributeModifierEvent.removeModifier(attribute as Attribute, modifier as AttributeModifier) as boolean
myItemAttributeModifierEvent.removeModifier(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, modifier);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute to remove. |
Parameter modifier | Type AttributeModifier | Description The modifier to remove. |
Name: removeModifier
Removes an AttributeModifier from the ItemStack based on the modifier's UUID.
Returns: True if the modifier was remove. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// ItemAttributeModifierEvent.removeModifier(attribute as Attribute, uuid as string) as boolean
myItemAttributeModifierEvent.removeModifier(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, "8c1b5535-9f79-448b-87ae-52d81480aaa3");
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute to remove. |
Parameter uuid | Type string | Description The UUID of the modifier. |
Link to properties
이름 | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
이름 itemstack | Type IItemStack | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the ItemStack that this event is being ran for. |
이름 modifiers | Type stdlib.List<AttributeModifier>[Attribute] | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the modifiers on the ItemStack |
이름 originalModifiers | Type stdlib.List<AttributeModifier>[Attribute] | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the original modifiers on the ItemStack before being changed by any other event listener. |
이름 slotType | Type MCEquipmentSlotType | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the EquipmentSlotType that this event is being ran for. If you only want to add / remove a modifier from a specific slot, you can use this to filter based on the slot. |