This page relates to Applied Energistics 2, which does not have built-in support, you will need to install AppliedEnergisticsTweaker as well!
Applied Energistics 2 Grinder
Link to applied-energistics-2-grinder
The Grinder is a type of IRecipeManager and implements all the methods that are available to IRecipeManager's, such as removeRecipe()
and removeAll()
Link to методы
Add Recipes
Link to add-recipes
The following script will add two recipes to the Grinder that will do the following:
- Output an Apple after Grinding 4 Arrows and turning the Crank 5 times. 2) Output an Arrow and 50% of the time will also output a Diamond, after Grinding an Apple and turning the Crank 2 times.
ZenScript Copy// <recipetype:appliedenergistics2:grinder>.addRecipe(name as string, output as IItemStack, ingredient as IIngredientWithAmount, turns as int, optionalOutputs as MCWeightedItemStack...)
<recipetype:appliedenergistics2:grinder>.addRecipe("grinder_test", <item:minecraft:apple>, <item:minecraft:arrow> * 4, 5);
<recipetype:appliedenergistics2:grinder>.addRecipe("grinder_test_optional_outputs", <item:minecraft:arrow>, <item:minecraft:apple>, 2, [<item:minecraft:diamond> % 50]);
Remove Recipes
Link to remove-recipes
The following script will remove all Grinder recipes that output Flint.
ZenScript Copy// <recipetype:appliedenergistics2:grinder>.removeRecipe(output as IItemStack)