Link to nameplateresult
Импорт класса
Link to импорт-класса
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.entity.NamePlateResult;
Link to методы
Name: getContent
Gets the current content of the nameplate. This can be changed by mods.
Returns: The current nameplate content.
Return Type: MCTextComponent
ZenScript Copy// NamePlateResult.getContent() as MCTextComponent
Name: getOriginalContent
Gets the original content of the nameplate. This can not be changed by mods.
Returns: The original nameplate content.
Return Type: MCTextComponent
ZenScript Copy// NamePlateResult.getOriginalContent() as MCTextComponent
Name: setAllow
Forces the nameplate to be visible even when it would otherwise not be.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// NamePlateResult.setAllow() as void
Name: setContent
Sets the new content of the nameplate.
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyNamePlateResult.setContent(content as MCTextComponent) as void
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр контент | Тип Компонент MCTextcomponent | Описание The new nameplate contents. |
Name: setDefault
Sets the default vanilla behaviour of rendering nameplates.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// NamePlateResult.setDefault() as void
Name: setDeny
Forces the display name to not render even when it should.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// NamePlateResult.setDeny() as void
Link to свойства
Название | Тип | Имеет Getter | Имеет Setter | Описание |
Название контент | Тип Компонент MCTextcomponent | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter true | Описание Gets the current content of the nameplate. This can be changed by mods. |
Название originalContent | Тип Компонент MCTextcomponent | Имеет Getter true | Имеет Setter false | Описание Gets the original content of the nameplate. This can not be changed by mods. |