Blood Magic Alchemy Array
Link to blood-magic-alchemy-array
The Alchemy Array is a type of IRecipeManager and implements all the methods that are available to IRecipeManager's, such as removeRecipe()
and removeAll()
Link to 使用方式
Link to 添加配方
The following script will add a recipe that will output a Diamond when Dirt and Glass are given to an Alchemy Array. When the Dirt is given, the Alchemy Array will use the texture of a Diamond.
ZenScript Copy// <recipetype:bloodmagic:array>.addRecipe(name as string, output as IItemStack, baseInput as IIngredient, addedInput as IIngredient, texture as ResourceLocation)
<recipetype:bloodmagic:array>.addRecipe("alchemy_array_test", <item:minecraft:diamond>, <item:minecraft:dirt>, <item:minecraft:glass>, <resource:textures/item/diamond.png>);
The ResourceLocation texture
can be any texture in the game and is used when the baseInput
has been added to the Alchemy Array.
The default values that Blood Magic themselves use are as follows, but you can use any texture that you want:
ZenScript Copy<resource:bloodmagic:textures/models/alchemyarrays/airsigil.png>
Remove Recipes
Link to remove-recipes
The following script will remove all recipes from the Alchemy Array that output a Divination Sigil.
ZenScript Copy// <recipetype:bloodmagic:array>>.removeRecipe(output as IItemStack);