Immersive Engineering Fermenter
Link to immersive-engineering-fermenter
The Fermenter is a type of IRecipeManager and implements all the methods that are available to IRecipeManager's, such as removeRecipe()
and removeAll()
Link to 使用方式
Add Fluid Recipes
Link to add-fluid-recipes
The following script will add a recipe to the Fermenter that will take a Wooden Hoe, 1000 IF and output 100Mb of Water (Fluid).
ZenScript Copy//<recipetype:immersiveengineering:fermenter>.addRecipe(string name, IIngredient input, int energy, IFluidStack fluidOutput)
<recipetype:immersiveengineering:fermenter>.addRecipe("fermenter_extract_water", <item:minecraft:wooden_hoe>, 1000, <fluid:minecraft:water> * 100);
Add Item Recipes
Link to add-item-recipes
The following script will add a recipe to the Fermenter that will take a Wooden Shovel, 1000 IF and output a Stone Shovel.
ZenScript Copy// <recipetype:immersiveengineering:fermenter>.addRecipe(string name, IIngredient input, int energy, IItemStack itemOutput)
<recipetype:immersiveengineering:fermenter>.addRecipe("fermenter_upgrade_hoe", <item:minecraft:wooden_shovel>, 1000, <item:minecraft:stone_shovel>);
Add Item and Fluid Recipes
Link to add-item-and-fluid-recipes
The following script will add a recipe to the Fermenter that will take a Wooden Sword, 1000 IF and output a Stone Sword and 100Mb of Water.
ZenScript Copy//<recipetype:immersiveengineering:fermenter>.addRecipe(name as string, input as IIngredient, energy as int, itemOutput as IItemStack, fluidOutput as IFluidStack)
<recipetype:immersiveengineering:fermenter>.addRecipe("fermenter_upgrade_sword", <item:minecraft:wooden_sword>, 1000, <item:minecraft:stone_sword>, <fluid:minecraft:water> * 100);
Remove Fluid Recipes
Link to remove-fluid-recipes
The following script will remove all recipes from the Fermenter output Ethanol (Fluid). Note that with Immersive Engineering on it's own, this will remove all the default recipes.
ZenScript Copy<recipetype:immersiveengineering:fermenter>.removeRecipe(MCFluid output)
Remove Item Recipes
Link to remove-item-recipes
The following script will remove all recipes from the Fermenter that outputs a Stone Shovel. Note that with Immersive Engineering on it's own, there is no recipe that outputs an Item, the example provided will only exist if the recipe is added beforehand.
ZenScript Copy// <recipetype:immersiveengineering:fermenter>.removeRecipe(IItemStack output)