Link to infusermanager
Importing the class
Link to importing-the-class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport mods.solarforge.InfuserManager;
Implemented Interfaces
Link to implemented-interfaces
InfuserManager implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in InfuserManager
Link to methods
Name: addJsonRecipe
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyInfuserManager.addJsonRecipe(name as string, mapData as MapData) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter name | Type string | Description No Description Provided |
Parameter mapData | Type MapData | Description No Description Provided |
Name: addRecipe
Adds a new recipe to the Infuser Multiblock Setup. Some parameters have some constraints:
The input ingredients two dimensional array must have a structure like this:
Copy[ [input1, input2, input3], [input4, input5], [input6, input7, input8], [input9, input10], [input11, input12, input13] ]
So that it matches the Infuser Screen. Air can and should be used to pad out the recipe but the Array structure must match that or it will error.
The catalysts two dimensional array must have a structure like this:
Copy[ [block1, block2, block3], [block4, block5, block6], [block7, block8, block9], [block10, block11, block12] ]
The catalysts array is transposed like this:
Copy[ [North], [East], [South], [West] ]
You can find out the list of usable catalyst blocks by using the /ct dump solarforge_catalysts
command. Any other blocks that are present in the array but aren't considered a catalyst will be ignored.
You can find out possible fragment ids by using the /ct dump solarforge_fragments
command. These will be required by the player in order to be able to craft the recipe.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// InfuserManager.addRecipe(name as string, output as IItemStack, ings as IIngredient[][], catalysts as Block[][], solarEnergy as int, processingTime as int, fragment as string, costs as RunicEnergyCost) as void
<recipetype:solarforge:infusing_new>.addRecipe("infuser_multiblock_test_recipe", <item:minecraft:egg>, [
[<item:minecraft:iron_ingot>,<item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:stick>],
[<item:minecraft:iron_ingot>, <item:minecraft:stick>],
[<item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:iron_ingot>, <item:minecraft:air>],
[<item:minecraft:stick>, <item:minecraft:iron_ingot>],
[<item:minecraft:stick>, <item:minecraft:air>, <item:minecraft:iron_ingot>]
], [
[<block:minecraft:air>, <block:solarforge:urba_rune_block>, <block:minecraft:air>],
[<block:minecraft:air>, <block:minecraft:air>, <block:minecraft:air>],
[<block:minecraft:air>, <block:solarforge:ultima_rune_block>, <block:minecraft:air>],
[<block:minecraft:air>, <block:minecraft:air>, <block:minecraft:air>],
], 0, 600, "crystals", RunicEnergyCost.EMPTY());
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter name | Type string | Description The name of the recipe to add |
Parameter output | Type IItemStack | Description The IItemStack to be outputted from the recipe. |
Parameter ings | Type IIngredient[][] | Description The input IItemStacks[]. Does not support tags. |
Parameter catalysts | Type Block[][] | Description The required Block catalysts that should be placed in columns in order for the recipe to craft. |
Parameter solarEnergy | Type int | Description Required solar energy for recipe. |
Parameter processingTime | Type int | Description The amount of time it should take the recipe to craft. |
Parameter fragment | Type string | Description The id of the fragment to use. |
Parameter costs | Type RunicEnergyCost | Description The RunicEnergyCost this recipe has. Recipe will automatically assign itself the structure tier it needs. (If Runic energy cost > 0 tier will be Runic Energy, if solar energy > 0 tier will be Solar Energy. Solar Energy tier overrides Runic Energy tier. If both of the costs are 0, the tier will be First.). |
Name: getAllRecipes
Return Type: stdlib.List<T>
ZenScript Copy// InfuserManager.getAllRecipes() as stdlib.List<T>
Name: getRecipeByName
Return Type: T
ZenScript CopyInfuserManager.getRecipeByName(name as string) as T
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter name | Type string | Description No Description Provided |
Name: getRecipeMap
Return Type: T[ResourceLocation]
ZenScript Copy// InfuserManager.getRecipeMap() as T[ResourceLocation]
Name: getRecipesByOutput
Return Type: stdlib.List<T>
ZenScript CopyInfuserManager.getRecipesByOutput(output as IIngredient) as stdlib.List<T>
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter output | Type IIngredient | Description No Description Provided |
Name: remove
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyInfuserManager.remove(output as IIngredient) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter output | Type IIngredient | Description No Description Provided |
Name: removeAll
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// InfuserManager.removeAll() as void
Name: removeByInput
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyInfuserManager.removeByInput(input as IItemStack) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter input | Type IItemStack | Description No Description Provided |
Name: removeByModid
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyInfuserManager.removeByModid(modid as string, exclude as Predicate<string>) as void
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter modid | Type string | Description No Description Provided | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter exclure | Type Predicate<string> | Description No Description Provided | Optional true | DefaultValue (name as string) as bool => false |
Name: removeByName
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyInfuserManager.removeByName(name as string) as void
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter name | Type string | Description No Description Provided |
Name: removeByRegex
Return Type: void
ZenScript CopyInfuserManager.removeByRegex(regex as string, exclude as Predicate<string>) as void
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | DefaultValue |
Parameter regex | Type string | Description No Description Provided | Optional false | DefaultValue |
Parameter exclure | Type Predicate<string> | Description No Description Provided | Optional true | DefaultValue (name as string) as bool => false |
Link to properties
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
Name allRecipes | Type stdlib.List<T> | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description No Description Provided |
Name recipeMap | Type T[ResourceLocation] | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description No Description Provided |