Link to bytearraydata
Импорт класса
Link to импорт-класса
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport;
Implemented Interfaces
Link to implemented-interfaces
ByteArrayData implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in ByteArrayData
Link to constructors
ZenScript Copynew ByteArrayData(internal as byte[]) as ByteArrayData
Параметр | Тип |
Параметр internal | Тип byte[] |
Link to утилиты
Result Type | Является неявным |
Result Type boolean | Является неявным false |
Result Type ICollectionData | Является неявным false |
Result Type INumberData | Является неявным false |
Link to методы
Name: asBoolean
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// ByteArrayData.asBoolean() as boolean
[4, 1, 2].asBoolean();
Name: asCollection
Return Type: ICollectionData
ZenScript Copy// ByteArrayData.asCollection() as ICollectionData
[4, 1, 2].asCollection();
Name: asNumber
Return Type: INumberData
ZenScript Copy// ByteArrayData.asNumber() as INumberData
[4, 1, 2].asNumber();
Name: asString
Gets the String representation of this IData
Returns: String that represents this IData (value and type).
Return Type: string
ZenScript Copy// ByteArrayData.asString() as string
[4, 1, 2].asString();
Name: contains
Checks if this IData contains another IData, mainly used in subclasses of ICollectionData, is the same as an equals check on other IData types
Returns: true if the given IData is contained in this IData
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// ByteArrayData.contains(data as IData) as boolean
[4, 1, 2].contains("Display");
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
Параметр data | Тип IData | Описание data to check if it is contained |
Name: getId
Gets the ID of the internal NBT tag.
Used to determine what NBT type is stored (in a list for example)
Returns: ID of the NBT tag that this data represents.
Return Type: byte
ZenScript Copy// ByteArrayData.getId() as byte
[4, 1, 2].getId();
Name: getString
Gets the String representation of the internal INBT tag
Returns: String that represents the internal INBT of this IData.
Return Type: string
ZenScript Copy// ByteArrayData.getString() as string
[4, 1, 2].getString();