Link to item
This allows you to add items to the game!
Create the Item Representation
Link to create-the-item-representation
Before you can add the item, you need to create an Item Representation which will allow you to set the properties of the item you want to add.
This is where the VanillaFactory comes in:
ZenScript Copymods.contenttweaker.VanillaFactory.createItem(String unlocalizedName);
Import the representation Package
Link to import-the-representation-package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import mods.contenttweaker.Item;
Link to zenproperties
To get/set the properties you can either use the respecting ZenGetters/Setters or the ZenMethods:
ZenScript Copy//property name: maxStackSize
item.maxStackSize = 16;
Property Name | Type | Required | Standardwert | Description/Notes |
Property Name beaconPayment | Type boolean | Required No | Standardwert false | Description/Notes Can be given to a beacon to enable bonuses |
Property Name creativeTab | Type ICreativeTab | Required No | Standardwert Misc | Description/Notes The Creative tab the item will be put in |
Property Name glowing | Type boolean | Required No | Standardwert false | Description/Notes Can be used to give your item the glowing effect (as if it were enchanted). |
Property Name itemColorSupplier | Type IItemColorSupplier | Required No | Standardwert -1 as color | Description/Notes The item's color |
Property Name itemDestroyedBlock | Type IItemDestroyedBlock | Required No | Standardwert false | Description/Notes What happens when the item just destroyed a block? |
Property Name itemDestroySpeed | Type IItemDestroySpeed | Required No | Standardwert null | Description/Notes Determines the Item's block breaking speed. |
Property Name itemGetContainerItem | Type IItemGetContainerItem | Required No | Standardwert null | Description/Notes What will remain in the crafting grid when this item was used in a recipe? |
Property Name itemInteractionForEntity | Type IItemInteractionForEntity | Required No | Standardwert null | Description/Notes Called when the player right clicks on an entity with the item |
Property Name itemRightClick | Type IItemRightClick | Required No | Standardwert | Description/Notes Called when the player right clicks with the item |
Property Name itemUseAction | Type EnumUseAction | Required No | Standardwert "NONE" | Description/Notes What animation the item use will have ("NONE", "EAT", "DRINK", "BLOCK", "BOW") |
Property Name localizedNameSupplier | Type ILocalizedNameSupplier | Required No | Standardwert null | Description/Notes Can be used to programmatically determine your item's display name |
Property Name maxDamage | Type int | Required No | Standardwert -1 | Description/Notes How many uses does the item have? Less than 0 means it cannot be damaged |
Property Name maxStackSize | Type int | Required No | Standardwert 64 | Description/Notes How many items can fit in one Stack? Less than 0 means standart stack size (64) |
Property Name onItemUpdate | Type IItemUpdate | Required No | Standardwert null | Description/Notes Called every tick as long as the item is in a player's inventory |
Property Name onItemUse | Type IItemUse | Required No | Standardwert null | Description/Notes Called when the player right click on a block with the item |
Property Name onItemUseFinish | Type IItemUseFinish | Required No | Standardwert null | Description/Notes Called when the player finishes using the item |
Property Name rarity | Type EnumRarity | Required No | Standardwert COMMON | Description/Notes How rare an item is, determines ToolTip color ("COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "EPIC") |
Property Name smeltingExprerience | Type float | Required No | Standardwert -1 | Description/Notes How much experienve the player earns for smelting that item in a furnace? |
Property Name textureLocation | Type CTResourceLocation | Required No | Standardwert null | Description/Notes The item's resource location, used for textures etc. |
Property Name toolClass | Type string | Required No | Standardwert | Description/Notes What block types the tool can break |
Property Name toolLevel | Type int | Required No | Standardwert -1 | Description/Notes The level of blocks can be broken |
Property Name unlocalizedName | Type string | Required Yes | Standardwert | Description/Notes Name, should be all lowercase |
Registering the item
Link to registering-the-item
You need to call this method to register the item in the game!
Otherwise nothing will happen!
After you have called this function, you cannot un-register the item or change any of it's properties!
ZenScript Copyitem.register();
Link to skript-beispiel
ZenScript Copy#loader contenttweaker
import mods.contenttweaker.VanillaFactory;
import mods.contenttweaker.Item;
import mods.contenttweaker.IItemRightClick;
import mods.contenttweaker.Commands;
var zsItem = VanillaFactory.createItem("zs_item");
zsItem.maxStackSize = 8;
zsItem.rarity = "rare";
zsItem.creativeTab = zsCreativeTab;
zsItem.smeltingExperience = 10;
zsItem.toolClass = "pickaxe";
zsItem.toolLevel = 5;
zsItem.beaconPayment = true;
zsItem.itemRightClick = function(stack, world, player, hand) {"scoreboard players set @p name 5", player, world);
return "Pass";
Localising the item
Link to localising-the-item
You will need to add Name
to the responding language files.
Example in en_us.lang file itemName Here
will show Your itemName Here
in the game.
Alternatively, you could use CraftTweaker's localization feature, though it's recommended using the language files!