Sometimes typing in numbers won’t cut it. Sometimes you need some calculation.
Remember that you can use more than two numbers at one, 1+1+1+1
would work fine as well.
To use advanced math functions, see the Math Utils page.
A word of advice
When unexpected results happen in a calculation, it is very well possible that you used two different types.
For example 13 % 6.5
returns 1, even though the correct result is 0. Why?
ZenScript always performs its calculations with two variables of the same type. For this, it converts the 2nd Type to match the first one.
In this example, the calculation performed was 13 % 6
, as the 2nd number (a double) was converted to match the first one (an Integer).
Always be careful about what two variable types you use and when in doubt, just use a print function to print the output to the log and confirm the results.
Arithmetic Operators
I’m pretty sure all of you know these already, don’t you?
Token | Tokenassign | Function | Example |
Token + | Tokenassign += | Function Addition | Example 1+2 |
Token - | Tokenassign -= | Function Substraction | Example 2-1 |
Token * | Tokenassign *= | Function Multiplication | Example 1*1 |
Token / | Tokenassign /= | Function Division | Example 2/2 |
Token % | Tokenassign %= | Function Modulo | Example 13 % 6 |
Puts one thing at the and of the other
//prints "Hello World"print("Hello" ~ " " ~ "World");
Calculation results
A calculation usually ends up with a result. So what to do with that?
Assigning a variable
There are two ways of assigning a value to a variable:
var test = 0;
//Option 1://assigns test with the value 3 (1+2)test = 1+2;
//Option 2://assigns test with 5 (3+2)test = test + 2;
//Option 3://assigns test with 2 (5-3)test -= 3;
Option 1 and 2 assign the return variable using the =
This is probably the easiest way for beginners and the only way if you want to assign a variable not used in the calculation.
Option 3 assigns the variable before the -=
with the result of a normal subtraction.
All Operators on on this page have their respective assign tokens, check the table above.
Using the result otherwise
You can always use the result of a calculation in a function or a conditional statement:
//prints 4print(3+1);
//removes the item on array[4]recipes.remove(array[3+1]);
//if(3+1 == 2*2) {print("Used a calculation!")}