Combustion Engine
Requires BuildCraft Energy
Class path: mods.buildcraft.CombustionEngine
To use, import the class with import mods.buildcraft.CombustionEngine;
at the beginning of your script.
Adding a Clean Fuel
CombustionEngine.addCleanFuel(liquid, powerPerTick, timePerBucket);
<ILiquidStack> The liquid to be used as fuelpowerPerTick
<double> Power output in MJ per ticktimePerBucket
<int> Amount of ticks that 1,000 mB (1 bucket) should run for
Adding a Dirty Fuel
CombustionEngine.addDirtyFuel(lFuel, powerPerTick, timePerBucket, lResidue);
<ILiquidStack> The liquid to be used as fuelpowerPerTick
<double> Power output in MJ per ticktimePerBucket
<int> Amount of ticks that 1,000 mB (1 bucket) should run forlResidue
<ILiquidStack> The residue fluid, per bucket of the original fuel