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ContentTweaker Commands WalkThrough

Contenttweaker Material System

Contenttweaker allows you not only to add single items to the game but whole materials! You can for example use these materials to automatically generate a new ore together with gears, ingots and the like!

There are 5 Terms that are important:

  • Material: The Material you are going to add/use (e.g. Platinum) → What the items are made of
  • PartType: Basically a group (e.g. Block, Item, Entity, etc) → The type of the parts
  • Part: The item’s form (e.g. Gear, Rod, Ingot, etc)
  • MaterialPart: Combination of Part and Material (e.g. Iron rod, Platinum Gear, etc) → Can be used to return the item as IItemStack later on.
  • MaterialPartData: Some configurations → Varies by part type, check the wiki page for further information.

Example Script

#loader contenttweaker
// Calls
import mods.contenttweaker.MaterialSystem;
import mods.contenttweaker.Material;
// Variables
var copper = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Copper").setColor(15766817).build();
var tin = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Tin").setColor(10275286).build();
var silver = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Silver").setColor(15592941).build();
var lead = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Lead").setColor(5658219).build();
var cobalt = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Cobalt").setColor(18347).build();
var metal_list = [copper, tin, silver, lead, cobalt] as Material[];
var part_names = ["dust", "gear", "plate", "nugget", "ingot", "beam", "bolt"] as string[];
var ore_types = ["ore", "poor_ore", "dense_ore"] as string[];
// Material registration
for i, metal in metal_list {
var ores = metal.registerParts(ore_types);
for i, ore in ores {
var oreData = ore.getData();
oreData.addDataValue("variants", "minecraft:stone,minecraft:end_stone,minecraft:netherrack");
oreData.addDataValue("hardness", "3,3,3");
oreData.addDataValue("resistance", "15,15,15");
oreData.addDataValue("harvestTool", "pickaxe,pickaxe,pickaxe");
oreData.addDataValue("harvestLevel", "1,1,1");
var blockData = metal.registerPart("block").getData();
blockData.addDataValue("hardness", "5");
blockData.addDataValue("resistance", "30");
blockData.addDataValue("harvestTool", "pickaxe");
blockData.addDataValue("harvestLevel", "1");