Contenttweaker Material System
Contenttweaker allows you not only to add single items to the game but whole materials! You can for example use these materials to automatically generate a new ore together with gears, ingots and the like!
There are 5 Terms that are important:
- Material: The Material you are going to add/use (e.g. Platinum) → What the items are made of
- PartType: Basically a group (e.g. Block, Item, Entity, etc) → The type of the parts
- Part: The item’s form (e.g. Gear, Rod, Ingot, etc)
- MaterialPart: Combination of Part and Material (e.g. Iron rod, Platinum Gear, etc) → Can be used to return the item as IItemStack later on.
- MaterialPartData: Some configurations → Varies by part type, check the wiki page for further information.