The IBlockColorSupplier function can be used to provide the Color Object to be used for whatever.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import mods.contenttweaker.IBlockColorSupplier;
The IBlockColorSupplier Function is a function with following parameters.
- ICTBlockState state → the blockstate of the block whose color is being requested.
- IBlockAccess access → the block access of the block whose color is being requested.
- IBlockPos pos → the position of the block whose color is being requested.
- int tintIndex → the tint index, use that however you like. The function needs to return an Color Object.
#loader contenttweaker
import mods.contenttweaker.IBlockColorSupplier;import mods.contenttweaker.BlockState;import mods.contenttweaker.BlockPos;import mods.contenttweaker.Color;
import crafttweaker.world.IBlockAccess;
function getBlockColor(state as BlockState, access as IBlockAccess, pos as BlockPos, tintIndex as int) as Color { //Returns a lime color return Color.fromInt(0x00FF00);}