Combustion Generator
import mods.enderio.CombustionGen;
- ILiquidStack fuel The fluid fuel to add.
- int powerPerCycleRF Amount of energy created per tick in a base-line machine.
- int totalBurnTime Total burn time of one bucket of fuel.
- ILiquidStack coolant The fluid coolant to add.
- float degreesCoolingPerMB How much heat in the generator can one mB of the added coolant absorb until it heats up all the way?
Add Fuel
mods.enderio.CombustionGen.addFuel(ILiquidStack fuel, int powerPerCycleRF, int totalBurnTime);
mods.enderio.CombustionGen.addFuel(<liquid:lava>, 25, 40);
Add Coolant
mods.enderio.CombustionGen.addCoolant(ILiquidStack fluid coolant, float degreesCoolingPerMB);
mods.enderio.CombustionGen.addCoolant(<liquid:liquid_sunshine>, 100);
Remove Fuel
mods.enderio.CombustionGen.removeFuel(ILiquidStack fuel);
Remove Coolant
mods.enderio.AlloySmelter.removeCoolant(ILiquidStack coolant);