import mods.enderio.Vat;

ILiquidStack output - The output fluid (right tank).

ILiquidStack input - The input fluid (left tank).

IIngredient[] slot1Solids - Items that can go in slot 1.

float[] slot1Mults - The multipliers for the items in slot 1. Must be the same length as slot1Solids.

IIngredient[] slot2Solids - Items that can go in slot 2.

float[] slot2Mults - The multipliers for the items in slot 2. Must be the same length as slot2Solids.

@Optional int energyCost - How much FE the recipe uses. Defaults to 5000.

mods.enderio.Vat.addRecipe(ILiquidStack output, ILiquidStack input, IIngredient[] slot1Solids, float[] slot1Mults, IIngredient[] slot2Solids, float[] slot2Mults, @Optional int energyCost);

mods.enderio.Vat.addRecipe(<liquid:lava>, <liquid:water>, [<minecraft:glowstone_dust>], [5], [<minecraft:fire_charge>], [10], 500);
mods.enderio.Vat.removeRecipe(ILiquidStack output);
