InterModComms are small messages sent between mods to allow for additional content.
For example ModA sends a message to Tinkers’ Construct to tell TiCon to create additional materials for the smeltery.
Importing the package
If you want to shorten method calls or encounter any issues you might need to import the package.
You can do so using
import extrautilities2.Tweaker.InterModCommsHandler;
Sending messages
You can either send the message right away or at runtime. You can either send NBT as IData Map, a simple string, an IItemStack or a resource location.
sendMessageNBT(String mod, String key, DataMap dataMap);sendMessageString(String mod, String key, String message);sendMessageItemStack(String mod, String key, IItemStack stack);sendMessageResourceLocation(String mod, String key, String resourceLocation);
sendRuntimeMessageNBT(String mod, String key, DataMap dataMap);sendRuntimeMessageString(String mod, String key, String message);sendRuntimeMessageItemStack(String mod, String key, IItemStack stack);sendRuntimeMessageResourceLocation(String mod, String key, String resourceLocation);