
Link to intermodcommshandler

InterModComms are small messages sent between mods to allow for additional content.
For example ModA sends a message to Tinkers' Construct to tell TiCon to create additional materials for the smeltery.

Importing the package

Link to importing-the-package

If you want to shorten method calls or encounter any issues you might need to import the package.
You can do so using

import extrautilities2.Tweaker.InterModCommsHandler;

Sending messages

Link to sending-messages

You can either send the message right away or at runtime. You can either send NBT as IData Map, a simple string, an IItemStack or a resource location.

sendMessageNBT(String mod, String key, DataMap dataMap);
sendMessageString(String mod, String key, String message);
sendMessageItemStack(String mod, String key, IItemStack stack);
sendMessageResourceLocation(String mod, String key, String resourceLocation);

sendRuntimeMessageNBT(String mod, String key, DataMap dataMap);
sendRuntimeMessageString(String mod, String key, String message);
sendRuntimeMessageItemStack(String mod, String key, IItemStack stack);
sendRuntimeMessageResourceLocation(String mod, String key, String resourceLocation);