Calling the package
The mods.gregtech.material
package contains all classes you will need to deal with materials.
Material Object
An object of mods.gregtech.material.Material
represents a material in GregTech, with some useful members you can deal with.
Name | Type | Description |
Name color | Type int | Description Color of material in RGB format |
Name chemicalFormula | Type string | Description Chemical formula of this material |
Name iconSet | Type MaterialIconSet | Description Icon set for this material meta-items generation |
Name components | Type ImmutableList | Description List of this material component |
Name generationFlagsRaw | Type long | Description Generation flags of this material (See MatFlags) |
Name element | Type Element | Description Element of this material consist of |
Name | Type | Description |
Name radioactive | Type bool | Description True if this material is radioactive |
Name protons | Type long | Description |
Name neutrons | Type long | Description |
Name mass | Type long | Description |
Name density | Type long | Description |
Name camelCaseString | Type string | Description |
Name unlocalizedName | Type string | Description |
Name localizedName | Type string | Description Client-side only |
Name name | Type string | Description Name in the Material registry |
Name (Parameters) | Description |
Name (Parameters) addFlags(String… flagNames) | Description Add generation flags |
Name (Parameters) hasFlag(String flagName) | Description Has a generation flag |
can be created by material * number
, same as Amount of Ingredient or FluidStack.
is a material which contains fluid features. Its superclass is Material
so all members in Material
is still available.
Name | Type | Description |
Name fluidTemperature | Type int | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Name hasFluid | Type bool | Description |
Name hasPlasma | Type bool | Description |
Name isGaseous | Type bool | Description |
Name fluid | Type ILiquidDefinition | Description material fluid |
Name plasma | Type ILiquidDefinition | Description material plasma fluid |
is a material which contains dust features. Its superclass is FluidMaterial
so all members in FluidMaterial
is still available.
Name | Type | Description |
Name oreMultiplier | Type int | Description Crushed ore output amount multiplier during maceration |
Name byProductMultiplier | Type int | Description Byproducts output amount multiplier during pulverization |
Name smeltingMultiplier | Type int | Description Smelting item amount multiplier during vanilla item smelting |
Name directSmelting | Type SolidMaterial | Description Material to which smelting of this material ore will result |
Name washedIn | Type FluidMaterial | Description Material in which this material’s ore should be washed to give additional output |
Name separatedInto | Type DustMaterial | Description During electromagnetic separation, this material ore will be separated onto this material and material specified by this field |
Name burnTime | Type int | Description Burn time of this material when used as fuel in furnace smelting, Zero or negative value indicates that this material cannot be used as fuel |
Name | Type | Description |
Name oreByProducts | Type List | Description List of ore by products |
Name harvestLevel | Type int | Description Tool level needed to harvest block of this material |
is a material which contains solid features. Its superclass is DustMaterial
so all members in DustMaterial
is still available.
Name | Type | Description |
Name handleMaterial | Type SolidMaterial | Description Material specified here will be required as handle to make tool from this material |
Name macerateInto | Type DustMaterial | Description Macerating any item of this material will result material specified in this field, default to itself |
Name | Type | Description |
Name toolSpeed | Type float | Description Speed of tools made from this material, default 1.0f |
Name toolDurability | Type int | Description Durability of tools made from this material, 0 for materials that can’t be used for tools |
Name toolEnchantments | Type List | Description Enchantment to be applied to tools made from this material |
is a mterial which contains ingot features. Its superclass is SolidMaterial
so all members in SolidMaterial
is still available.
Ingot materials can be used as wire, cable and fluid pipe. Those properties can be set by setCableProperties(long voltage, int baseAmperage, int lossPerBlock)
and setFluidPipeProperties(int throughput, int maxTemperature, boolean gasProof)
For example:
var ingotMaterial = MaterialRegistry.createIngotMaterial(2052, "test", 0x1a2f3e, "ingot", 1);ingotMaterial.setCableProperties(128, 4, 1); // 128EU/t 4A 1 loss/block
Enchantment data
can be found in SolidMaterial#toolEnchantments
, they are an internal storage of a enchantment with levels.
They can be casted into crafttweaker.enchantments.IEnchantmentDefinition
by calling enchantment
getter, and level is available with level
To add a enchantment for tools in SolidMaterial
, simply calling addToolEnchantment(IEnchantment enchantment)
, to add a CraftTweaker enchantment data type.
Example for a Fortune I material:
var material = MaterialRegistry.get("iron"); // Modify iron materialmaterial.addToolEnchantment(<enchantment:minecraft:fortune> * 1); // Create a enchantment object and add it
Material generation flags
These flags are applicable to materials.
Name (case-insensitive) | Description |
Name (case-insensitive) DECOMPOSITION_BY_ELECTROLYZING | Description Enables electrolyzer decomposition recipe generation |
Name (case-insensitive) DECOMPOSITION_BY_CENTRIFUGING | Description Enables centrifuge decomposition recipe generation |
Name (case-insensitive) BURNING | Description Add to material if it has constantly burning aura |
Name (case-insensitive) FLAMMABLE | Description Add to material if it is some kind of flammable |
Name (case-insensitive) EXPLOSIVE | Description Add to material if it is some kind of explosive |
Name (case-insensitive) NO_UNIFICATION | Description Add to material to disable it’s unification fully |
Name (case-insensitive) NO_RECYCLING | Description Add to material if any of it’s items cannot be recycled to get scrub |
Name (case-insensitive) DISABLE_DECOMPOSITION | Description Disables decomposition recipe generation for this material and all materials that has it as component |
Name (case-insensitive) DECOMPOSITION_REQUIRES_HYDROGEN | Description Decomposition recipe requires hydrogen as additional input. Amount is equal to input amount |
Name (case-insensitive) GENERATE_PLATE | Description Generate a plate for this material, If it’s dust material, dust compressor recipe into plate will be generated, If it’s metal material, bending machine recipes will be generated, If block is found, cutting machine recipe will be also generated |
Name (case-insensitive) GENERATE_DENSE | Description Generate a dense plate. |
Name (case-insensitive) NO_WORKING | Description Add to material if it cannot be worked by any other means, than smashing or smelting. This is used for coated Materials. |
Name (case-insensitive) NO_SMASHING | Description Add to material if it cannot be used for regular Metal working techniques since it is not possible to bend it. |
Name (case-insensitive) NO_SMELTING | Description Add to material if it’s impossible to smelt it |
Name (case-insensitive) INDUCTION_SMELTING_LOW_OUTPUT | Description Add to material if it is outputting less in an Induction Smelter. |
Name (case-insensitive) SMELT_INTO_FLUID | Description Add to material if it melts into fluid (and it will also generate fluid for this material) |
Name (case-insensitive) EXCLUDE_BLOCK_CRAFTING_RECIPES | Description |
Name (case-insensitive) EXCLUDE_PLATE_COMPRESSOR_RECIPE | Description |
Name (case-insensitive) CRYSTALLISABLE | Description If this material is crystallisable |
Name (case-insensitive) GENERATE_LENSE | Description |
Name (case-insensitive) HIGH_SIFTER_OUTPUT | Description |
Name (case-insensitive) GENERATE_FLUID_BLOCK | Description Whenever system should generate fluid block for this fluid material |
Name (case-insensitive) GENERATE_PLASMA | Description Add this flag to enable plasma generation for this material |
Name (case-insensitive) STATE_GAS | Description Marks material state as gas |
Name (case-insensitive) GENERATE_ROD | Description |
Name (case-insensitive) GENERATE_GEAR | Description |
Name (case-insensitive) GENERATE_LONG_ROD | Description |
Name (case-insensitive) MORTAR_GRINDABLE | Description If this Material is grindable with a simple Mortar |
Material icon set
Icon sets are available in mods.gregtech.material.MaterialIconSet
Getters are name
Methods are toString()
, and static method getByName(String name)
Material Registry
Material registry is a helper to get, list and create materials in the unification system.
You may import the class mods.gregtech.material.MaterialRegistry
#loader gregtechimport mods.gregtech.material.MaterialRegistry;
// Note that return type can be null if nothing was foundvar material = MaterialRegistry.get(materialName);
// List all materials registeredvar materialList = MaterialRegistry.getAllMaterials();
// Set toolDurability to 0 if ingot cannot be used as tool// Note that an @Optional parameter can be left out, and it's replaced by default 0.// Means Gem and Ingot material cannot be used as tool by default.MaterialRegistry.createFluidMaterial(int metaItemSubId, String name, int color, String iconSet, @Optional MaterialStack[] materialComponents);
MaterialRegistry.createDustMaterial(int metaItemSubId, String name, int color, String iconSet, int harvestLevel, @Optional MaterialStack[] materialComponents);
MaterialRegistry.createGemMaterial(int metaItemSubId, String name, int color, String iconSet, int harvestLevel, @Optional MaterialStack[] materialComponents, @Optional float toolSpeed, @Optional int toolDurability);
MaterialRegistry.createIngotMaterial(int metaItemSubId, String name, int color, String iconSet, int harvestLevel, @Optional MaterialStack[] materialComponents, @Optional float toolSpeed, @Optional int toolDurability, @Optional int blastFurnaceTemperature);
#loader gregtechimport mods.gregtech.material.MaterialRegistry;
val dustMaterial = MaterialRegistry.createDustMaterial(700, "test", 0xFFAA33, "dull", 2);dustMaterial.addFlags(["GENERATE_ORE", "GENERATE_PLATE"]);
//Creates a gem-material with a tooltip showing the chemical formula//This automatically generates an electrolyzer recipe to split this material into its constituent parts.val gemFancy = MaterialRegistry.createGemMaterial(701, "some_fancy_gemstone", 0x0F3E4E2, "gem_horizontal", 1, [<material:beryllium>*4, <material:silicon>*2, <material:oxygen>*9, <material:hydrogen>*2], 1.0, 0);
//Any previouly registered material can be used- including custom ones.val ingotComplex = MaterialRegistry.createIngotMaterial(702, "complex_alloy", 0xF6872E, "shiny", 1, [<material:copper>*3, <material:electrum>*1, <material:redstone>*9, <material:some_fancy_gemstone>*2], 3.5, 0);