Pressurised Reaction Chamber
Link to pressurised-reaction-chamber
As of Mekanism 9.7.0 it is now possible to view all recipe strings of the Pressurised Reaction Chamber through the command /ct mekrecipes prc
Link to addition
ZenScript Copymods.mekanism.reaction.addRecipe(IIngredient itemInput, ILiquidStack liquidInput, IGasStack gasInput, IItemStack itemOutput, IGasStack gasOutput, double energy, int duration);
mods.mekanism.reaction.addRecipe(<mekanism:polyethene>, <liquid:liquidethene>, <gas:oxygen>, <mekanism:polyethene> * 8, <gas:oxygen>, 50000, 2000);
As of Mekanism 9.7.0 it is possible to use IIngredients as the itemInput instead of only IItemStacks.
Note: Currently all this does is loop over the different possibilities in java while adding instead of you having to do it in ZenScript. Currently there is no built in support for compound ingredients or oredictionary in the machines themselves.
Link to removal
ZenScript Copymods.mekanism.reaction.removeRecipe(IIngredient itemOutput, IIngredient gasOutput, @Optional IIngredient itemInput, @Optional IIngredient liquidInput, @Optional IIngredient gasInput);
mods.mekanism.reaction.removeRecipe(<mekanism:substrate>, <gas:ethene>, <mekanism:biofuel>, <liquid:water>, <gas:hydrogen>);
mods.mekanism.reaction.removeRecipe(<mekanism:polyethene>, <gas:oxygen>);
Specifying an input parameter will only remove the specific recipe that uses said input. Omitting the input parameter will remove all recipes that produce the specified output.
Removing all recipes
Link to removing-all-recipes
As of Mekanism 9.7.0 it is now possible to remove all Pressurised Reaction Chamber recipes. (This excludes any recipes added via CraftTweaker)
ZenScript Copymods.mekanism.reaction.removeAllRecipes();