Petal Apothecary

Link to petal-apothecary

The Apothecary package is used for adding or removing recipes to/from the Botania Petal Apothecary.

You can call the Apothecary package using mods.botania.Apothecary

You can either add recipes using the returned IItemStack as output parameter, or the name of the botania flower as string. the string name only works for botania flowers.
Remember one thing though:
The Apothecary is hardcoded to only accept petals, so while you can add recipes with any ingredients, you should only use items that you can throw in the apothecary.

//mods.botania.Apothecary.addRecipe(IItemStack output, IIngredient[] input);
mods.botania.Apothecary.addRecipe(<minecraft:melon>, [<ore:petalLime>, <ore:petalLime>, <ore:petalLime>]);

//mods.botania.Apothecary.addRecipe(String output, IIngredient[] input);
mods.botania.Apothecary.addRecipe("daybloom", [<ore:petalLime>, <ore:petalLime>, <ore:petalLime>, <ore:petalRed>]);

You can either remove recipes using the returned IItemStack as output parameter, or the name of the botania flower as string. the string name only works for botania flowers.

//mods.botania.Apothecary.removeRecipe(IItemStack output);

//mods.botania.Apothecary.removeRecipe(String output);