NOTE: Solderer is deprecated and is removed in RefinedStorage 1.6. The class does not do anything in ModTweaker and exists purely as backwards compatibility.
The Solderer package is used for adding or removing recipes to/from the Refined Storage Solderer.
You can call the Solderer package using mods.refinedstorage.Solderer
Recipe addition
The Rows array must have a length of three! Use null
if you need empty stacks.
//mods.refinedstorage.Solderer.addRecipe(IItemStack output, int time, IItemStack[] rows);mods.refinedstorage.Solderer.addRecipe(<minecraft:gold_ingot>, 100, [<minecraft:iron_ingot>, <minecraft:iron_ingot>, <minecraft:iron_ingot>]);
Recipe removal
//mods.refinedstorage.Solderer.removeRecipe(IItemStack output);mods.refinedstorage.Solderer.removeRecipe(<minecraft:iron_ingot>);