Explosion Crafting
Explosion Crafting is used to transform one item into another by exposing it to an explosion when it is an item on the ground. A configurable (random) loss rate can be specified. By default, this is used to convert Iron Ingots into Compressed Iron Ingots with a 20% loss rate.
You can call the Explosion Crafting package using mods.pneumaticcraft.explosioncrafting
This function removes the first recipe it finds with the given IIngredient output
mods.pneumaticcraft.explosioncrafting.removeRecipe(IIngredient output);// Examplemods.pneumaticcraft.explosioncrafting.removeRecipe(<pneumaticcraft:ingot_iron_compressed>);
This function removes all Explosion Crafting recipes:
These functions are used to add new Explosion Crafting recipes:
mods.pneumaticcraft.explosioncrafting.addRecipe(IItemStack input, IItemStack output, int loss_rate);mods.pneumaticcraft.explosioncrafting.addRecipe(IOreDictEntry input, IItemStack output, int loss_rate);
// Examplemods.pneumaticcraft.explosioncrafting.removeAllRecipes();// An expert-mode pack might make plain iron a very poor choice, and steel much better.mods.pneumaticcraft.explosioncrafting.addRecipe(<ore:ingotIron>, <pneumaticcraft:ingot_iron_compressed>, 95);mods.pneumaticcraft.explosioncrafting.addRecipe(<ore:ingotSteel>, <pneumaticcraft:ingot_iron_compressed>, 10);// A way to make lots of Nether Brick, for (on average) 4x the cost of Netherrackmods.pneumaticcraft.explosioncrafting.addRecipe(<ore:netherrack>, <minecraft:netherbrick>, 75);