BlockProperties are what makes a block distinctive from other blocks. It mainly serves as superinterface to IBlockState, that means all these functions are also available to all IBlockState objects.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.block.IBlockProperties;
ZenGetter | Return Type | Description |
ZenGetter canProvidePower | Return Type bool | Description Returns if the refered block can provide Redstone Power |
ZenGetter mobilityFlag | Return Type string | Description Returns the mobility flag as string |
ZenGetter material | Return Type IMaterial | Description Returns the block’s material |
ZenGetter causesSuffocation | Return Type bool | Description Returns whether the block can choke you. |
ZenGetter hasCustomBreakingProgress | Return Type bool | Description |
ZenGetter blockNormalCube | Return Type bool | Description |
ZenGetter fullBlock | Return Type bool | Description |
ZenGetter fullCube | Return Type bool | Description |
ZenGetter normalCube | Return Type bool | Description |
ZenGetter opaqueCube | Return Type bool | Description |
ZenGetter translucent | Return Type bool | Description |
ZenGetter useNeighborBrightness | Return Type bool | Description |
boolean isReplaceable(IWorld world, IBlockPos pos);
Returns a boolean that sais whether the block can be replaced or not.
int getLightValue(IWorld world, IBlockPos blockPos);
- IBlockAccess world → The world to be checked in
- IBlockPos pos → The Block’s position
Returns an int representing the current light value at the given location.
int getWeakPower(IBlockAccess world, IBlockPos blockPos, Facing facing);
int getStrongPower(IBlockAccess world, IBlockPos blockPos, Facing facing);
- IBlockAccess world → The world to be checked in
- IBlockPos pos → The Block’s position
- Facing facing → The side to be checked Returns an int representing the current redstone power on this side.
int getComparatorInputOverride(IWorld world, IBlockPos blockPos);
Returns an int representing the block’s redstone comparator input override type.
Check if an entity can spawn on the block
Use an IEntity.
Returns a bool.
blockProperties.canEntitySpawn(IEntity entity);
Get the actual BlockState
Use an IBlockAccess and an IBlockPos.
Returns a new IBlockProperties object.
blockProperties.getActualState(IBlockAccess world, IBlockPos pos);
Get a block’s hardness
Use IWorld and an IBlockPos.
Returns a float.
blockProperties.getBlockHardness(IWorld world, IBlockPos pos);
Get a block’s light opacy
Use IWorld and an IBlockPos.
Returns an int.
blockProperties.getLightOpacy(IWorld world, IBlockPos pos);
Get a player’s Relative Block Harness
Use an IPlayer, an IWorld and an IBlockPos.
Returns a float.
blockProperties.getPlayerRelativeBlockHardness(IPlayer player, IWorld world, IBlockPos pos);
Check if a side of the block is solid
Use an IBlockAccess, an IBlockPos and an IFacing object.
Returns a bool.
blockProperties.isSideSolid(IBlockAccess world, IBlockPos pos, IFacing facing);