An ICreativeTabObject represents a creative inventory tab.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.creativetabs.ICreativeTab;
Getting such an Object
You can retrieve an ICreativeTab from the Creative tab Bracket Handler.
ZenGetters and ZenMethods without parameters
ZenGetter/ZenMethod | Return Type |
ZenGetter/ZenMethod searchBarWidth | Return Type int |
ZenGetter/ZenMethod tabLabel | Return Type string |
ZenGetter/ZenMethod setNoScrollBar() | Return Type void (nothing) |
ZenGetter/ZenMethod setNoTitle() | Return Type void (nothing) |
Set Background image Name
Uses a string (e.g. "item_search.png"
Returns void (nothing).
tab.setBackgroundImageName(String backgroundImage);