The IPlayer interface allows you to view certain information on a specific player and interact with said one. Mostly used in Event Handlers and Recipe Functions.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.player.IPlayer;
Extending IEntityLivingBase and IUser
IPlayer extends IEntityLivingBase. That means all functions available to IEntityLivingBase Objects also are available to IPlayer Objects.
IPlayer also extends IUser. That means all functions available to IUser Objects also are available to IPlayer Objects.
Zengetters are for retrieving information. Usually either assigned to a variable or used in a method/function.
Zengetter | What does it do | Return Type | Usage |
Zengetter uuid | What does it do returns the player’s UUID | Return Type string | Usage player.uuid |
Zengetter name | What does it do returns the player’s name | Return Type string | Usage player.name |
Zengetter data | What does it do returns the player’s data | Return Type IData | Usage player.data |
Zengetter xp | What does it do returns the player’s experience level. Can also be used to set a player’s experience level | Return Type int | Usage player.xp |
Zengetter hotbarSize | What does it do returns the player’s hotbar size | Return Type int | Usage player.hotbarSize |
Zengetter inventorySize | What does it do returns the player’s inventory size | Return Type int | Usage player.inventorySize |
Zengetter currentItem | What does it do returns the item the player is currently holding | Return Type IItemStack | Usage player.currentItem |
Zengetter creative | What does it do returns if the player is currently in creative mode (a.k.a gamemode 1) | Return Type bool | Usage player.creative |
Zengetter adventure | What does it do returns if the player is currently in adventure mode (a.k.a gamemode 2) | Return Type bool | Usage player.adventure |
Zengetter x | What does it do returns the player’s current X position in the world | Return Type double | Usage player.x |
Zengetter y | What does it do returns the player’s current y position in the world | Return Type double | Usage player.y |
Zengetter z | What does it do returns the player’s current z position in the world | Return Type double | Usage player.z |
Zengetter position | What does it do returns the player’s current position. Can also be used to set a player’s position | Return Type Position3f | Usage player.position |
Zengetter foodStats | What does it do returns the player’s foodstats. | Return Type IFoodStats | Usage player.foodStats |
Zengetter bedLocation | What does it do returns the location of the player’s bed. | Return Type IBlockPos | Usage player.bedLocation |
Zengetter fishHook | What does it do returns the player’s fishingrod entity. | Return Type [IEntityFishHook ](/Vanilla/Entities/IEntityFishHook /) | Usage player.fishHook |
Zengetter foodStats | What does it do returns the player’s foodstats. | Return Type IFoodStats | Usage player.foodStats |
ZenMethods are for doing things with other things, in this case with a player.
ZenMethod | Parameter Type(s) | What does it do | Example |
ZenMethod removeXP(XPtoRemove) | Parameter Type(s) int | What does it do Removes the given experience levels from the player. | Example player.removeXP(1) |
ZenMethod update(IData) | Parameter Type(s) IData | What does it do Updates the playerdata to the provided IData. | Example |
ZenMethod sendChat(Message) | Parameter Type(s) string OR IChatMessage | What does it do Sends the player a Chat Message. | Example player.sendChat("Hello my old friend") |
ZenMethod sendStatusMessage(message, hotbar) | Parameter Type(s) string OR IFormattedText | What does it do Sends the player a status message, if the hotbar argument is true, the message will be displayed on player’s hotbar, the default value is true | Example player.sendStatusMessage("hello, world") |
ZenMethod sendRichTextStatusMessage(message, hotbar) | Parameter Type(s) ITextComponent | What does it do same as sendStatusMessage , but the message is an ITextComponent | Example |
ZenMethod getHotbarStack(index) | Parameter Type(s) int | What does it do Returns the item at the given index within the player’s hotbar. | Example player.getHotbarStack(3) |
ZenMethod getInventoryStack(index) | Parameter Type(s) int | What does it do Returns the item at the given index within the player’s inventory. | Example player.getInventoryStack(3) |
ZenMethod give(item) | Parameter Type(s) IItemStack | What does it do Give the player the provided item. Item is an IItemStack. | Example player.give(<minecraft:gold_ingot>) |
ZenMethod teleport(position) | Parameter Type(s) Position3f | What does it do Teleports the player to the provided position in the same dimension | Example player.teleport(position) |
ZenMethod executeCommand(raw) | Parameter Type(s) string | What does it do Executes the command as the player | Example player.executeCommand("kill") |
ZenMethod dropItem(dropAll) | Parameter Type(s) bool | What does it do Drops the current item (or the entire stack) that the player is holding. | Example player.dropItem(false) |
ZenMethod dropItem(itemToDrop) | Parameter Type(s) IItemStack | What does it do Drops the provided item at the player’s position. | Example player.dropItem(<minecraft:dirt>) |
ZenMethod getCooldown(item) | Parameter Type(s) IItemStack | What does it do Gets current cooldown of specific item for the player | Example player.getCooldown(<minecraft:ender_pearl>) |
ZenMethod setCooldown(item, time) | Parameter Type(s) IItemStack, int | What does it do Sets cooldown time of specific item for the player | Example player.setCooldown(<minecraft:ender_pearl>, 3) |