An IPotionEffect is an IPotion that also has a duration and an amplifier (strength) parameter.
You can get them from an IPotion object.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.potions.IPotionEffect;
ZenGetter | Type |
ZenGetter duration | Type int |
ZenGetter potion | Type IPotion |
ZenGetter doesShowParticles | Type bool |
ZenGetter amplifier | Type int |
ZenGetter curativeItems | Type List<IItemStack> |
ZenGetter effectName | Type string |
ZenGetter isAmbient | Type bool |
ZenGetter isPotionDurationMax (also a ZenSetter) | Type bool |
Is an item a curative item
Uses an IItemStack.
Returns a bool
isCurativeItem(IItemStack item);
Perform Effect on an Entity
Uses an IEntity or any of its subclasses (e.g. IPlayer).
Returns void (nothing).
performEffect(IEntity Entity);