The IMobSpawnerBaseLogic object contains all kinds of information on how and where to spawn something for mob spawners.
Importing the class
It might be required to import the class to avoid errors.
import crafttweaker.tileentity.IMobSpawnerBaseLogic;
ZenGetter | ZenSetter | Description | Type |
ZenGetter nbtData | ZenSetter nbtData | Description NBT Data for the spawner. (See below) | Type IData |
ZenGetter entityDefinition | ZenSetter entityDefinition | Description Entity Definition to be spawned. | Type IEntityDefinition |
ZenGetter world | ZenSetter | Description World that the spawner belongs to. | Type IWorld |
ZenGetter blockPos | ZenSetter | Description The position of the spawner block. | Type IBlockPos |
void updateSpawner(); // Updates the spawner for spawning an entity and ticking down the spawn timer.
void setDelayToMin(); // Sets the delay of the spawner to the minimum delay for the next spawn.