Link to ctaspectstack
A CTAspectStack is a CTAspect combined with an amount that shows how many aspect points the stack will be made of.
Importing the package
Link to importing-the-package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import thaumcraft.aspect.CTAspectStack;
Retrieving such an object
Link to retrieving-such-an-object
You can retrieve a CTAspectStack object from the CTAspectStack Bracket Handler object:
ZenScript Copyval aspect = <aspect:ignis>;
Link to zengetters
Nombre | Type |
Nombre amount | Type int |
Nombre internal | Type CTAspect |
Setting the amount
Link to setting-the-amount
ZenScript Copy//They do the same, both return a new CTAspectStack
val aspect = <aspect:ignis> * 10;
val aspect1 = <aspect:ignis>.setAmount(10);