Link to iblockproperties
BlockProperties are what makes a block distinctive from other blocks. It mainly serves as superinterface to IBlockState, that means all these functions are also available to all IBlockState objects.
패키지 임포트하기
Link to 패키지-임포트하기
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.block.IBlockProperties;
ZenGetter | 반환 타입 | Description |
ZenGetter canProvidePower | 반환 타입 bool | Description Returns if the refered block can provide Redstone Power |
ZenGetter mobilityFlag | 반환 타입 string | Description Returns the mobility flag as string |
ZenGetter material | 반환 타입 IMaterial | Description Returns the block's material |
ZenGetter causesSuffocation | 반환 타입 bool | Description Returns whether the block can choke you. |
ZenGetter hasCustomBreakingProgress | 반환 타입 bool | Description |
ZenGetter blockNormalCube | 반환 타입 bool | Description |
ZenGetter fullBlock | 반환 타입 bool | Description |
ZenGetter fullCube | 반환 타입 bool | Description |
ZenGetter normalCube | 반환 타입 bool | Description |
ZenGetter opaqueCube | 반환 타입 bool | Description |
ZenGetter translucent | 반환 타입 bool | Description |
ZenGetter useNeighborBrightness | 반환 타입 bool | Description |
Link to zenmethods
Link to isreplacable
boolean isReplaceable(IWorld world, IBlockPos pos);
Returns a boolean that sais whether the block can be replaced or not.
Link to getlightvalue
int getLightValue(IWorld world, IBlockPos blockPos);
- IBlockAccess world → The world to be checked in
- IBlockPos pos → The Block's position
Returns an int representing the current light value at the given location.
Link to getweakpowergetstrongpower
int getWeakPower(IBlockAccess world, IBlockPos blockPos, Facing facing);
int getStrongPower(IBlockAccess world, IBlockPos blockPos, Facing facing);
- IBlockAccess world → The world to be checked in
- IBlockPos pos → The Block's position
- Facing facing → The side to be checked Returns an int representing the current redstone power on this side.
Link to getcomparatorinputoverride
int getComparatorInputOverride(IWorld world, IBlockPos blockPos);
Returns an int representing the block's redstone comparator input override type.
Check if an entity can spawn on the block
Link to check-if-an-entity-can-spawn-on-the-block
Use an IEntity.
Returns a bool.
ZenScript CopyblockProperties.canEntitySpawn(IEntity entity);
Get the actual BlockState
Link to get-the-actual-blockstate
Use an IBlockAccess and an IBlockPos.
Returns a new IBlockProperties object.
ZenScript CopyblockProperties.getActualState(IBlockAccess world, IBlockPos pos);
Get a block's hardness
Link to get-a-blocks-hardness
Use IWorld and an IBlockPos.
Returns a float.
ZenScript CopyblockProperties.getBlockHardness(IWorld world, IBlockPos pos);
Get a block's light opacy
Link to get-a-blocks-light-opacy
Use IWorld and an IBlockPos.
Returns an int.
ZenScript CopyblockProperties.getLightOpacy(IWorld world, IBlockPos pos);
Get a player's Relative Block Harness
Link to get-a-players-relative-block-harness
Use an IPlayer, an IWorld and an IBlockPos.
Returns a float.
ZenScript CopyblockProperties.getPlayerRelativeBlockHardness(IPlayer player, IWorld world, IBlockPos pos);
Check if a side of the block is solid
Link to check-if-a-side-of-the-block-is-solid
Use an IBlockAccess, an IBlockPos and an IFacing object.
Returns a bool.
ZenScript CopyblockProperties.isSideSolid(IBlockAccess world, IBlockPos pos, IFacing facing);