IBlockState 객체는 블럭 하나의 현재 상태를 나타냅니다.

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It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.block.IBlockState;

IBlockState객체 호출

Link to iblockstate객체-호출

몇몇 메소드들이 IBlockState를 반환합니다.

  • Bracket Handler<blockstate:minecraft:log:variant=spruce>를 사용
  • 정적 메소드 IBlockState.getBlockState()를 사용 (자세한 내용은 이후 내용을 확인하세요)
  • Using the getMatchingBlockStates() method on an IBlockStateMatcher object to retrieve an array of IBlockStates.
  • Using the withProperty() method on another IBlockState object.

Resolving an IBlockState At Runtime

Link to resolving-an-iblockstate-at-runtime

There may be times at which your script may rely on interaction with a block from a mod that has not been loaded yet, such as inside block events in ContentTweaker or another pre-init script loader. If you attempt to use a Bracket Handler for a block that has not yet been registered, the handler will fail to resolve and your script will not work.

To avoid this, you can use the static IBlockState.getBlockState() method to resolve an IBlockState at runtime.

static getBlockState

Link to static-getblockstate

static IBlockState getBlockState(String blockname, String... properties) Parameters:

  • String blockname → A string in the format "modid:blockname" as it would appear in the BlockState Bracket Handler
  • String... properties → Zero or more strings of "name=value" pairs of properties to apply to this blockstate. Any unspecified properties will use the same value as in the default blockstate for the specified block name.

Returns an IBlockState of the specified blockname with the specified properties, or the default blockstate if no properties are specified.

Extending IBlockProperties

Link to extending-iblockproperties

IBlockState extends IBlockProperties. That means that all methods that are available to IBlockProperties objects are also available to IBlockState objects.

Extending IBlockStateMatcher

Link to extending-iblockstatematcher

IBlockState extends IBlockStateMatcher. That means that all methods that are available to IBlockStateMatcher objects are also available to IBlockState objects.

ZenMethods and ZenGetters

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ZenGetter반환 타입Description
반환 타입
Returns the refered block
반환 타입
Returns the refered block's metadata
반환 타입
Returns a possible Bracket Handler for this state

boolean isReplaceable(IWorld world, IBlockPos pos);

  • IWorld world → The world to be checked in
  • IBlockPos pos → The Block's position

Returns a boolean that sais whether the block can be replaced or not.

Getting or changing Properties

Link to getting-or-changing-properties

You can get a list of all registered properties, either as list with all property names or as map that maps the properties to their value.
You can also check which values are possible for a given property name.
You can also use withProperty to create a new IBlockState object with that property changed.

List<String> getPropertyNames();
String getPropertyValue(String name);
List<String> getAllowedValuesForProperty(String name);

IBlockState withProperty(String name, String value);

Comparing two IBlockState objects

Link to comparing-two-iblockstate-objects

You can either use int compare(IBlockState other); or the ZenCompare Tokens == !=.
The return different types though:

  • state.compare(other) returns an int that is 0 if they are equal
  • state == other returns a bool that is true of they are equal

Getting an explicit Blockstate Matcher

Link to getting-an-explicit-blockstate-matcher

Returns an IBlockStateMatcher that matches the given block.

IBlockStateMatcher matchBlock();