Link to icreativetab
An ICreativeTabObject represents a creative inventory tab.
패키지 임포트하기
Link to 패키지-임포트하기
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.creativetabs.ICreativeTab;
Getting such an Object
Link to getting-such-an-object
You can retrieve an ICreativeTab from the Creative tab Bracket Handler.
ZenGetters and ZenMethods without parameters
Link to zengetters-and-zenmethods-without-parameters
ZenGetter/ZenMethod | 반환 타입 |
ZenGetter/ZenMethod searchBarWidth | 반환 타입 int |
ZenGetter/ZenMethod tabLabel | 반환 타입 string |
ZenGetter/ZenMethod setNoScrollBar() | 반환 타입 void (nothing) |
ZenGetter/ZenMethod setNoTitle() | 반환 타입 void (nothing) |
Link to zenmethod
Set Background image Name
Link to set-background-image-name
Uses a string (e.g. "item_search.png"
Returns void (nothing).
ZenScript Copytab.setBackgroundImageName(String backgroundImage);