import mods.roots.Pyre;
void addRecipe(
  string name,         // the name of the recipe being added; if replacing an existing game recipe, ensure the correct name is used
  IItemStack output,   // the output of this recipe
  IIngredient[] inputs // a list of five ingredients (no more, no less)

Adds a Pyre crafting recipe that produces output after the standard amount of time, with the specified input ingredients (with potential transformers).

void addRecipe(
  string name,          // the name of the recipe being added; if replacing an existing game recipe, ensure the correct name is used
  IItemStack output,    // the output of this recipe
  IIngredient[] inputs, // a list of five ingredients
  int xp                // the amount of xp in levels that is granted after crafting

Adds a Pyre crafting recipe that produces output after the standard amount of time, with the specified input ingredients (with potential transformers). Allows for the specification of an amount of experience to be generated once the craft is finished.

void removeRecipe(
  IItemStack output // the output of the recipe to remove

Removes a Pyre crafting recipe based on its output.

import mods.roots.Pyre;

// 移除合成配方,就像下方语句提到的石笋;
// 注意:在检测配方是否匹配的时候不需要提及产物数量。

// Re-adds the stalicripe using an addition recipe that grants no XP,
// but with considerably greater output
Pyre.addRecipe("stalicripe", <roots:stalicripe>*64, [<minecraft:diamond_block>, <minecraft:flint_and_steel>.anyDamage().transformDamage(1), <minecraft:iron_block>, <minecraft:emerald_block>, <minecraft:deadbush>]);

// As above, but rewarding 30 levels of experience (calculated from level 0)
Pyre.addRecipe("stalicripe2", <roots:stalicripe>*64, [<minecraft:diamond_block>, <minecraft:gold_block>, <minecraft:iron_block>, <minecraft:emerald_block>, <minecraft:deadbush>], 30);

It's extremely important when replacing recipes to ensure that the recipe name is the same to make certain that Patchouli correctly reports the correct recipe for crafting base items.

For all other items, please use a name descriptive of what your recipe does.