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Class path: mods.botanypots.Crop


To use, import the class with import mods.botanypots.Crop; at the beginning of your script.

Create A Crop

Crop.create(id, seed, display, tickRate, categories);

  • id <string> The id of the crop. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • seed <IIngredient> The item used to plant the crop.
  • display <MCBlockState> The block to display when rendering the crop.
  • tickRate <int> One of the factors for how long a crop takes to grow.
  • categories <string[]> An array of soil categories this crop can be grown in.

This can be used to create a new crop. Keep in mind that drops need to be added separately.

Crop.create("examplepack:gold", <item:minecraft:gold_nugget>, <blockstate:minecraft:gold_block>, 3000, 2, ["stone"]);

Remove A Crop


  • id <string> The id of the crop to remove. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.

Removes a crop based on it’s id.


Set Seed Item

Crop.setSeed(id, seed);

  • id <string> The id of the crop. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • seed <IIngredient> The item used to plant the crop.

Sets the item used to plant the crop.

Crop.setSeed("botanypots:crop/wheat", <item:minecraft:diamond>);

Set Display Block

Crop.setDisplay(id, state);

  • id <string> The id of the crop. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • display <MCBlockState> The block to display when rendering the crop.

Sets the block rendered for the crop.

Crop.setDisplay("botanypots:crop/wheat", <blockstate:minecraft:snow_block>);

Set Tick Rate

Crop.setTickRate(id, tickRate);

  • id <string> The id of the crop. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • tickRate <int> The updated tick rate. One of the factors for how long a crop takes to grow.

Sets the crop tick factor.

Crop.setTickRate("botanypots:crop/wheat", 5000);

Changing Crop Categories

Changes the categories associated with the crop. Categories are used to match the valid soils to the crop.

Add a Category to a Crop

Crop.addCategory(id, categoriesToAdd);

  • id <string> The id of the crop. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • categoriesToAdd <string[]> An array of categories to associate with the crop.
Crop.addCategory("botanypots:crop/wheat", ["stone", "snow"]);

Remove a Category From a Crop

Crop.removeCategory(id, categoriesToRemove);

  • id <string> The id of the crop. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • categoriesToRemove <string[]> An array of categories to dissociate with the crop.
Crop.removeCategory("botanypots:crop/wheat", ["dirt"]);

Clear All Categories From a Crop


  • id <string> The id of the crop. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.

Crop Drops

Adding Drops

Crop.addDrop(id, drop, chance, min, max);

  • id <string> The id of the crop to add a drop to. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • drop <IItemStack> The item to drop.
  • chance <float> The chance it drops.
  • min <int> The min amount of that item to give.
  • max <int> The max amount of that item to give.

This adds a new potential drop to the crop.

Crop.addDrop("botanypots:crop/wheat", <item:minecraft:diamond>, 0.05, 1, 1);

Removing Drops

Crop.removeDrop(id, toRemove);

  • id <string> The id of the crop to remove a drop from. This is a namespaced id an must be in the valid namespace:path format.
  • toRemove <IIngredient> The ingredient to match against for removal

Removes any drops that have a matching item.

Crop.removeDrop("botanypots:crop/wheat", <item:minecraft:wheat_seeds>);

Getting All Ids


  • Returns: <string[]> An array of all known crop ids at the time this is ran.

This will give you an array of all the known crop ids at the time.

// Log all ids to the crafttweaker.log file
for cropId in Crop.getAllIds() {

Removing All Crops

This will completely remove all the crops currently registered. This is useful for if you want to recreate all the data from scratch through scripts.
